MG 08/15 "light" machine gun Price Check.


Senior Member
Greetings guys I have yet anther price check question.

Ok here's the rub, I have a chance to buy a MG 08/15 Light Machine Gun, less the internal parts in the receiver. But heres the great part, it was manufactured in 1918, 1920 re-arsenal mark, and on top of it all has Third Reich acceptance marks! There is no, bi-pod, or ammo drum, and no internal mechanical parts, put what is left of the firearm is all matching and clearly marked. What would be an honest price to ask my friend for it?

I'll do my best to answer any questions, I've only held it for five minutes, but fell in love with it. Thanks Guys
Safe Travels
Safe Tour

the price has more to do with weather or not it's a registered class 3 weapon. If not it's only worth it's toll in parts. I.m.h.o. An idea of price I'd go on I think there is a class3 trader there and 08/15's are a somewhat common m.g. seen for sale.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the information. Its is a parts-kit essentially. I did some more research and found out, like you said they are somewhat common but can not find a price that is consistent with what my friend has.

Thanks again.

Safe Travels

Safe Tour