Mauser shooting low at 100 yards


Hello, my 1939 Mauser is shooting low at 100 yards. Shooting 3 to 4 inches out of the target area. Rear sight set at 100 meters. Is filing down the front sight post the correct way to go?
Use a better ammo brand before you mess with the sights, you may be surprised what a difference that can make.
Thanks all for responding, I do appreciate it. I use a center hold sight picture. I did today shoot to different ammo. I raised the rear sight to 300 meters, still shooting at 100 yards. This did work and I was having a lot of success (for my shooting) I went to 200 yards and raised the rear sight to 400 meters, and was hitting the target good enough for me. I was wondering if other people have to do the same thing, put the rear sight alot higher, I can live with it
I typically have to raise the rear sight to 300 for 100 POI with PPU too. When/if you shoot hotter ammo or military, remember the lighter bullets will again hit lower than the heavy ones. Man, now I want to go shooting, but I’ll have to wait since I just got my back screwed together :googlie
Though PPU shoots decent in other rifles it is horrible in my K98ks. I usually shoot 196 gr. Yugo surplus some of which is M75. At 100 yds. I'm usually aiming at the bottom of a 12" bullseye.
I seen some yugo ammo online for sale, when I get some money around I would like to try it. Thanks for the information.
Though PPU shoots decent in other rifles it is horrible in my K98ks. I usually shoot 196 gr. Yugo surplus some of which is M75. At 100 yds. I'm usually aiming at the bottom of a 12" bullseye.

I got ton of 1959's 196 gr yugo anytime you want trade for that m-75 let me know I need some for my yugo M-76 semi auto
thanks guys for the answers, i really appreciate it a lot! been wondering if that's the normal way of it shooting as i noticed that on my Mauser as well and to be honest, i'm not really an expert in because of this i might ask you questions so i wanted to ask you if you don't mind? thanks!
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