Mauser Replacement Barrel


Hello all,

I have a Mitchell 98 Mauser with a terrible bore. I would like to have the barrel replaced. Can anyone recommend a competent gunsmith for Mausers I can send it to?

Thank you - Dave
I would heavily agree with that statement from Biggymu. By the time you pay for the barrel, and shipping costs. Then the gunsmith work to install your new barrel. That's a decent amount of funds to put towards a nice bolt mismatched rifle. Or even an all matching rifle if the price is right. Not to mention. Even if you did all that work. It wouldn't make the price of your rifle go up in value either.
the man you want is Eric Johnson, ‘Vaughn 99’ here on the forum. Lothar Walther makes a very nice K98k replacement barrel,
probably a decent lead time for both barrel & work………

Hey I know these guys! CNY represent. I had my first few online purchases transferred through them. Eric was the guy who saved me from a turd, and introduced me to this forum. They are Mauser experts and do quality work. It has been a few years, but they had a consistent and long backlog on work.
I would heavily agree with that statement from Biggymu. By the time you pay for the barrel, and shipping costs. Then the gunsmith work to install your new barrel. That's a decent amount of funds to put towards a nice bolt mismatched rifle. Or even an all matching rifle if the price is right. Not to mention. Even if you did all that work. It wouldn't make the price of your rifle go up in value either.
Thirding this. If you just want a shooter mauser, you're better off taking the funds you would put towards this one and using it on a cheap shooter - maybe a Yugoslavian m48a, maybe sell this rifle for a few hundred dollars and combine the money you'd have put into re-barreling it into getting an RC or something along those lines if you're dead set on German.

edit: when you say the bore is "terrible" what are we talking about, exactly? Rifle barrels don't have to be pristine to shoot decently, especially if you're talking about iron sights plinking at 100 yards rather than trying to make holes touch each other at 300+ using optics. I've got a fair few old military rifles with bores that look questionable to say the least but still shoot inside what would have been considered acceptable for an issue rifle.

How does the gun group when you standbag it at 50 yards? Is the crown damaged? There is a lot you can do to breath some life into an EOL military barrel and bring it back into "good enough for blasting expired produce" specs.
Thanks All, truly a great forum.

@Cyrano4747 - I am an avid shooter and reloader. I bought this rifle for my son just before Mitchells went out of business several years ago. The rifling is all radiused, rough & corroded. We shot it when we got it and couldn’t keep shots in a 3’ diameter with factory ammo. I never tried reloading; we just turned it into a wall hanger. I am just getting around to solving this, hence my original inquiry about a new barrel. I doubt handloading will help.

Thanks again for all of your input.

Thanks All, truly a great forum.

@Cyrano4747 - I am an avid shooter and reloader. I bought this rifle for my son just before Mitchells went out of business several years ago. The rifling is all radiused, rough & corroded. We shot it when we got it and couldn’t keep shots in a 3’ diameter with factory ammo. I never tried reloading; we just turned it into a wall hanger. I am just getting around to solving this, hence my original inquiry about a new barrel. I doubt handloading will help.

Thanks again for all of your input.

Honestly, the money and wait time you will spend…. Not worth it.

Here is why and I speak from experience. A quality barrel like a LW k98k step barrel mentioned will net you a max 1.5” at 100 yards even after extensive accuracy improvements. I know this from Vaughn himself. To rebarrel, blue the barrel, chamber ream, lap contact lugs, transfer sights, solder sights and install set screws and general stock improvements/recoil lug mods/ contact points and test fire will run you easily over $500+. I can promise you that. Not to mention 3-6+ months wait time. Also factor in the cost of the barrel which now is $350+ with taxes/shipping. Then you have to ship and insure the rifle as well. You are looking at $900 bucks all said and done to achieve what you’re looking for at a quality gunsmith enterprise like CNY. I am not trying to discourage you, but if you want quality work and results, that’s what it will take.

You are way better off selling it as is which will bring a couple hundred I would expect and get yourself a verified shooter k98k from a fellow forum member….
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Buying from a member sounds like the way to go for an honest example for sure. Am sure many buyers are missing out buying from "other sources"
You would do yourself a favor by selling the Mitchell’s and just put the money towards a nice rifle. It’s like putting a Hemi crate motor in a 4 door Buick regal.
C’mon now - we all know dropping a Mopar power plant into a GM product will cause both to explode - immediately.

Such sacrilege.
