Mauser Berlin Borsigwalde


Active member
Greetings! I am currently in Berlin and I’m trying to locate the original site of the Mauser-Werke Berlin Borsigwalde plant. I seem to remember that the factory itself was either destroyed during the Battle of Berlin or destroyed by the Soviets post war. Or did I make that up?

Anyway, I’m trying to visit the sight and here is an old thread I discovered

I found the location while on leave in Berlin in about 1976. I learned then that it was taken over and used as a document collection center by allies for war time records. It is currently Das Landesarchive Berlin. Address is Eichborndamm 215. 13437 Berlin.

Did some digging and found a German language website that confirms that it was the location for DWM and Mauser. Also found this English site:

"Since July 2001, the Landesarchiv Berlin has been located in a former factory building. More than 20,000 m², the landmarked brick building from the turn of the century is part of an extensive complex built for the German Weapons and Munitions Factory (DWM) between 1906 and 1918 in the Wittenau area."
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Borsigwalde 43 K98k Mauser- My Dad's bring-back is now in my collection. In good condition+ ... Has taken Michigan whitetail deer. All matching and unbuggered., with bayonet and "Prince Albert" cleaning kit. Along with a 1940 Mauser Parabellum Luger, among my prized possessions..
Original Mauser-Werke Berlin factory address was Eichborndamm 167-209 (from factory document dated 1944).

The DWM factory is shown at Eichborndamm 103/127 (from Arbeitsbuch with Dec. 1939 date).
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