Third Party Press

M1895 Chilean Find

About 6 years ago a collector showed some pictures of a pristine 1895 Chileano and I fell in love, but the reality was always finding beat up rifles at the shows and online. I took a chance on this one for $750 on GB, the auction was pretty quiet and the pics were not great. C 429 looks amazing to me, and no signs of "flubs" like an unmarked or scrubbed/ force matched bolt. Opinions on originality? I can post any pic, but I am probably not going to take the action out of the wood because it looks like it's never been out.

This mauser gives my cherry M41b a huge run for it's money as the finest ever, no import marks I can see anywhere.














Disco nothing wrong with that Chilean outstanding example too have. The Chilean 1895 Mausers are my favorite pieces of all the 1895 Mausers. Whats even more interesting is how this one is a low three digit serial number too and not import marked. Most likely brought here in the 50s I believe. Its kind of hard too believe that these Chilean pieces were Military rifles. Being the attention too detail and the rust bluing on them were so great for the time. One could only wonder how much the same work would cost too do on a custom rifle today. And that stock can not believe how well that inspection stamp still looks. Wow!
While I do not know much about the Chilean contract, Jon Speed and I have had recent discussions regarding it. Here are some pictures of an original English language sales brochure. This booklet is one of the same John Amber printed in Gun Digest in the 1960's. I own a French language copy thanks to my friend Wolfgang, but Jon was able to send me good pictures of the English version, so I do not have to "learn" French... anyway, here are a couple pages relating to Chile.

Jon Speed comments:

I want back in my Loewe firm docs for some data on Chile and found in the 1895 Loewe 25 year Jubilee Book some cool data that I am also sending to you. Thought you would enjoy these? Jon

1. Cover
2. Weapons sales with Chile at bottom
3. Ammo plants built in other lands
4. Ammo plant in Chile


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The English brochures comments regarding Chile


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That's amazing information, I read through the documents posted and they where achieving the equivalent of 2.5" groups at 100 yards after 12,750 rounds put through the barrel. It's also very interesting that it says that Mauser could essentially size any caliber and make it work from 5-8mm with extreme ballistic efficiency and no problems with manufacturing, and the caliber was just a preference of the contract government.

The search continues for a pristine Chileano M1893!

Military Rifle Journal