M.35 humped "Normandy"


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sweet mother

Wow...sold all my camos except one my buddy got direct from vet family...even that is no assurance.....:jaw:
What do you mean? That's a one looker Hambone.

Exotic freshie.

It's not that good. All of his stuff has a similar appearance. If you examine known originals and steer clear of "exotic freshies" (a ridiculous term coined by waftards to justify fakes) you can avoid getting burned.
But it came with a box lol. Oh for the record straw that is 70 plus years old doesn't look like that bright and pretty either.
No. Perhaps it comes with a COA from an expert, one who examined it using photos that were emailed to him.
For $80 or that and a helmet tazing plus a color pie chart with a COA for $200 :googlie
The liner and inside look correct. Looks like an original helmet that was camo painted. A word on "humped": the painter, Rex, I've known through the internet for a long time. Nice guy. He has previously taken the time to show all of his work so it can be ID'd, and he paints his name in the work. Perhaps we can invite him here to discuss the differences and subtleties of original helmets vs. what he does.

The point is, Rex is not the only person doing these. Rex is the only, or one of the few, selling his work as art, "restoration", not as original. So, Rex is not a "humper"; this is posted for information so we can see and discuss what higher level reproductions look like.
OK. I'll post some of my helmets here that are not already shown and am willing to discuss differences between my repaints (aka fakes) and original helmets. Did this on GHW for a while until the mods decided the thread had run its course. Same may happen here. Not an issue for me.

Here's my approach to forum discussion - I'll post pictures and answer questions about my repaints. But I won't respond to personal insults. I don't make time for that. Also, I won't get into long, circular ethical arguments about the impacts of what I do.

There may be times when I seem absent or unresponsive. It's because sometimes I lose interest.

On GHW I've already discussed ad-nauseam the matter of how I mark my repaints. When I sell on ebay I use white paint on the interior. I admit that NOT ALL my repaints are marked. What I will say is that I have never nor will I ever sell one of my repaints as real. Of course that doesn't prevent someone else from doing so. I'll call out anyone I know of that does. I don't claim to be an angel. It is what it is. Almost nobody in this hobby is without sin.

I've been doing repaints for about 13 years. My technique has evolved over time but is not yet perfect. Perfection is always the goal, be it attainable or not. It's possible for the trained eye to spot my work. (To clear up an issue, my repaints are done on shells that have already been post-war painted. They are repaints both inside and out. I do not alter helmets with original paint unless the paint is so far gone as to be worthless).

I do it because:

I'm pretty good (not perfect) at it
It allows people who can't afford an expensive helmet to have what looks like one for much less
It keeps the price of original camos from going through the roof
It fills a niche for the person who considers collecting camos too much of a risk and would rather have what he KNOWS is a repaint.

For those new to this hobby -

Know that it is and has been a minefield for a long, long time. Just a sampling of threads on this or other forums and you'll know what I mean. Almost everyone, including me, has been ripped-off at some point. The importance is to learn from it so that it seldom happens.

In addition to fake and real helmets, decal hoaxes, and dealer reputations, the hobby is full of personal egos. Beware of the know-it-alls and hot-heads who claim divine knowledge, righteous authority, or moral superiority because they're self-appointed members of some exclusive collector's club. The savy collector will be objective, cool-headed, courteous, and above all, educated in the hobby.

Welcome to the forum Rex. I was a faithful follower of Grigsby for years until he disappeared. Had several of his factory M42's. Your work appears to be even better than Eric's. Love the current helmet/box set being discussed.
Welcome, very impressed by your work. I did this for a bit myself for the reenactor market 15 or 16 years ago. Mostly factory style repaints though, i stayed away from camo. Do you do commission work?
I believe that you will find a respectful audience here. Please post whatever you can on the topic, or whatever you feel is appropriate. Thank you,
OK. I'll post some of my helmets here that are not already shown and am willing to discuss differences between my repaints (aka fakes) and original helmets. Did this on GHW for a while until the mods decided the thread had run its course. Same may happen here. Not an issue for me.

Welcome. We are glad to have you. I think you'll find our members appreciate the truth and good information more than agendas. With respect to your threads ever being stopped by a mod here because they've "run their course" I'd point you to our XRFacts epic ;) I predict we'll devote a sticky thread for your use, commentary, pics, etc. Again, good to have you.
Hey Rex!
From one graphic artist to the next: Good to meet you!

More into print, but would love to get some of the details of your creations!

A good way to study real items is to study the reproductions. It's the same with cloth - you should buy the best repro available so you can compare to originals later.