Luger DWM 30 cal very accurate vs 9mm


Well-known member
This 30 cal luger is far more accurate than my 9mm lugers,wonder why they changed calibers to 9mm?9mm is more powerful but does power trump accuracy? This one looks original finish but has a small Germany stamp,thoughts?Paid 600.00 for this luger a couple years ago,seems very well made.


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This 30 cal luger is far more accurate than my 9mm lugers,wonder why they changed calibers to 9mm?9mm is more powerful but does power trump accuracy?.

I would assume standardization of calibers across their small arms would be the answer . The fewer calibers the better when talking about production and supply.

I am sure field tests of stopping power also played a role..... and most likely the accuracy of a pistol with one cal. vs another would carry little merit as sidearms are not a primary battle weapon.....they are actually a weapon of last resort...for the few who actually carried one.
Thanks that makes good sense!I really like how this luger shoots though,the 9mm is more powerful but the recoil is less on this 30cal. so maybe that helps accuracy,anyway I would not want to be hit by this round.If you miss with a 9mm,you will not stop anything.
.30 Luger

This 30 cal luger is far more accurate than my 9mm lugers,wonder why they changed calibers to 9mm?9mm is more powerful but does power trump accuracy? This one looks original finish but has a small Germany stamp,thoughts?Paid 600.00 for this luger a couple years ago,seems very well made.

I too have one of those. Small Germany stamping on it. Said to have been imported as a commercial gun early in the century. Got it in .30 Luger along with a 9mm barrel. I wanted to shoot it in 9 but thought changing the barrel would hurt its value. Bought a 9 rec./barrel to shoot 9 since I have lots of 9 but almost no .30 Luger.
Maybe I should get some dies and start loading .30 Luger so I can shoot it as originally intended.
Have you done any research on yours as to build date or how imported and by who?
Pete in St. Louis
These were made for the commercial market in the 20s,long before import marks were required,dont know who handled/sold them in the US.I bought 10 boxes of winchester 30 cal at a small gunshop here for 100.00, the owner simply could not sell them.You can find them if you look at reduced prices,or reload as you say,they are a real pleasure to shoot.

These were made for the commercial market in the 20s,long before import marks were required,dont know who handled/sold them in the US.I bought 10 boxes of winchester 30 cal at a small gunshop here for 100.00, the owner simply could not sell them.You can find them if you look at reduced prices,or reload as you say,they are a real pleasure to shoot.

Was talking to a guy that seems to know Lugers. He says a 9MM should have a stronger action spring than a .30 to prevent battering.
That makes sense,I didnt think about that but stronger springs are available to compensate for that,probably a good idea.
Thanks for posting this. I just finally found a nice condition Luger in .30. I would have bought either caliber but I had hoped to find one in the original chambering. I was relieved to see the ammo is still being made at reasonable prices.

It is sort of comforting to know that any ammo I consume will be "Luger safe." I would hate to inadvertently use hot modern 9mm ammo or even get a bad reload somewhere and damage the gun. The 30. Ammo will only have one place to go at the range.
Bobby ,yes you can find this ammo pretty resonable if you look around, its higher than 9mm sure but worth it,these are a real pleasure to shoot and not hot enough to worry too much about damage.Mine made in the 20s handles Winchester white box with out a hick up,have shot several hundred rounds through it with out a problem.