Third Party Press

Looking for input as to what this gun is & how it likely developed

Thank you. I appreciate your input. I'm learning a lot about that rifle. Never crossed my mind that it could have non german parts.
I knew this rifle was made from a variety of parts. What I didn't know was just how much of a frankenmauser it is.

I didn't know the Germans had produced barrels in Poland - do you know the plant? I'm familiar with Radom thru studying & eventually buying a VIS 35 produced in Radom Poland. Are there specific markings which identify the barrel as being produced in Poland?
Thanks for your input
Germans never made barrels in Poland, SDP-Radom made many rifle parts in occupied Poland but excluded barrels, but it is speculated Radom forged or supplied blanks or raw forgings early on, but if so these were probably prewar leftovers utilized by SDP upon its custodianship (management for the German Army early in the occupation)
The barrel is Polish in origin, I've got a Polish supplied K98 too the Spaniards during there civil war to compare your barrel fonts and markings too mine. I'll compare my markings and report back, In my opinion your barrel is Polish
Love this Forum for the wealth of information. Amazed how much I've learned. Thanks for your input. I've had this gun for years & have grown very fond of it. Bought a VIS 35 last year. It was made in Radom Poland. I'm fairly certain the Polish had another gun manufacturing city.
Love this Forum for the wealth of information. Amazed how much I've learned. Thanks for your input. I've had this gun for years & have grown very fond of it. Bought a VIS 35 last year. It was made in Radom Poland. I'm fairly certain the Polish had another gun manufacturing city.
Warszawa, but less common

Military Rifle Journal