@Buffalo Late production G/K43 was manufactured with sub-par materials, especially the metal as Germany's industrial capacity was extremely diminished by wars end. Also, the Germans over gassed the heck out of them and they literally beat themselves to death, again, poor metal and quality control. Since these were produced, what 80 years ago? you don't shoot all original matching examples because the risk of breakage is substantial. So what people do is find a mismatch or poorer condition G/K43 and turn it into what us "collectors" call a shooter. There is a "shooters" kit that you can purchase which will allow you to down gas the rifle so it is safe to shoot. The great thing about shooters is they tend to be mismatched and if a part breaks, you just source a new one. Now shooters are pretty desirable in their own right because... who the heck wouldn't want to shoot one of these?
Unfortunately, the WW2 collecting community is full of less than reputable individuals. We see fakes, where someone has ground out the mismatched serials and restamped them to match. They ALWAYS have some great story... one of the best was someone got a K43 restamped, chromed (you could see your reflection, no seriously) and had the most wild story... said it was Hitler's SS parade rifle and listed it for sale north of $20k at first then dropped it lower, don't quote me on price. So, that's why the guys here are talking about the box and story.... when collecting any WW2 item, unless there is VALID proof assume the story is BS.
Now on to value. Something like this is always very subjective depending on who you ask. Seems like us members have provided prices from $2500 to $5000. $5k is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to high. With something like this, I'd estimate that the packaged value would be the sum of what you could get for the parts if they were parted out.
If your looking to put it on the market, do it here in our forum trader section. It would be easier for you to sell it here than anywhere else, because now a lot of members are aware of it and you don't really have to market it. We have a trader section that you can browse and list things to sell.
As you probably have already noticed G/K43s to these guys are SERIOUS BUSINESS. One of the great things about us is we believe in open discussion... that's how you learn and advance the collecting community. You came to the right place.
JUST A WARNING: Like you, I came here with not a lot of knowledge to seek advice on 1 rifle that I was interested at a gunshow--ended up not getting it.. but as you can tell, yea I'm still here years later... why? As I often say, I feel like crack would be waaaay less addicting than collecting these German WW2 rifles. I think a lot of that is because of this community and our great members and how passionate they are, it's captivating. It's also about the chase... always looking for that next rifle, when you get it you feel complete then a week later your like, god why do I feel like there is something missing in my life... ah, yea need another rifle. It doesn't stop.
Sorry for long post, but hope info helps you.