Dear all,I'm reworking this post as my original post is somewhat convoluted. I looked through some notes I made with different skull types and when they appear. Keep in mind, the graph below is BASIC, it is not thoroughly researched, just meant to give some kind of order when/where the different types of Totenkopf skulls show up on a timeline. I've added what I think are important dates and events, I even color coded things. I can't stress enough that the timeline is not hard and fast for dates, there are some variants of skulls that I have too little info on (such as the "Gull wing" type) to make any hard/fast conclusions from this chart. But, it serves the purpose of showing generally when these skulls were used. Most people think all of the skulls were used throughout the period, its not true.
For some reason, many people that report SS totenkopf rifles rarely post barrel date info, most don't think it's important or they are too lazy to take the gun apart, so alas half the reports I collect are incomplete, which makes research incomplete. I have not dedicated myself to the study of SS rifles, I know enough to safely buy them.
The graph below should explain a few things - Most of the "Lazy S" skull reports are from the 1938 time frame, with 1 single gun having a 1936 date. It's very possible this anomaly is a rifle that was reworked later and "rebranded' with the lazyS skull, its impossible to tell. I have no other 36-38 reports. Like I said, incomplete research but generally you will get the idea. I put the "+" marked, "lazyS", "SS" and "01" type in one row as I feel they are all from the same depot, just chronologically related. I still feel the "Gull wing" and "SS2" are related - the Waffenwerkstatt was formed in 1940/41, but I feel the SS must have started some kind of weapons repair in the Munich area prior to 1940, the area was one of the big SS centers. Speculation on my part, but something that could probably be researched by the next guy.
Note that I do not include the "=" type guns, i have no date reports from those. I have a full photo spread on one but can't find it.
I am a gun collector in the UK. Over here most collectors have deactivated guns like myself. I wonder if you would agree that this is probably a Gew98/KG98 SS conversion with rework performed at Dachau eventually producing a sniper version.
As you can see it also has deactivation markings.
Would any of you be able to let me know what would be an estimated price of the rifle in US ? I paid around $1700 few weeks ago.
Thank you so much for your help.