Late war lt .

The Rifle 32287 was discussed here quite sometime back extensively . It was a HT in my collection .
Are You saying that these examples You posted are Suspect because of a Specific Font Style namely 3 having Rounded top instead of Flat top . To say that the Germans DID NOT use this style font 3 or other numbers would be unwise because on some Mauser and other makers can be fond different style fonts on one Rifle . I posted Pics of just two items were this style 3 number was used . We have seen maybe only some 1/10 of 1% of total Snipers made . To say a Sniper is NOT Original or Suspect because of one number style being different than seen most times is not good Practice IMHO . Yes it is wise to investigate this difference but to totally disqualify is unwise . Look at the 3 in the Pics I posted the 3 is round top so German did use this style font . Have a look at SC Barrel# & Front Base # the 3`s are different from each other . Best Regards

Michael I believe this is what Your referring to is it not ? . If not please elaborate if I misunderstood Your Post .


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SSR rounded "3"

No exist?
On SSR there exist different fonts too


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Michael Your saying the Turret Pics of 32287 is suspect or not original , because in the pics the Number stamps appear to be of a rounded stamp shape and not a V stamp shape . Not sure how such a positive determination can be made from those Pics as they are a bit blurry . As I pointed out in the Pic when You said You did not like the look of the 4.Depending on angle and lighting may not always give an exact detailed Pic . Hence being the 4 which was pointed out as being different font style . I then posted another Pic that showed it was same style . Best Regards

PS I was not making reference to the Die Stamps being Rounded .
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One thing is for sure, on SCs the font of the rifle's serial number suffix and the font of the serial number suffix on the mount bases are consisently different. The rifle will use a block style and the base will be more cursive.

On the HT in question per Dave, I have a few pictures. The rifle serial does not have a round top on the 3, the scope ring has a rounded 3. The barrel code also has a round top 3. Since this is built on an AR reciever, I looked at the font on a AR 43 I have. Note the gas shield has a round top 3 so round top 3s were used in some stampings. No other part I can find has a round top 3. There sure is a round top 3 on the ZF41 mount I have also.

When anybody says "absolutely" on a given issue with WW2 rifles or firearms, I get instantly skeptical. There is variation in numberous firearms made in WW2 and I see earlier thinking on whatever issue being shot down on a regular basis. For instance, traditional thinking was that only second B block and second K blocks were phosphate and had grooved wooden grips. I have since seen 2 matching original second A blocks in phosphate.


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You confirmed what I said, I was not speaking about different kind of font (I don't care about in this thread) but I meant there is absolutely no round extremities in german scope mount font...

Anyway, I give it up.

Michael , My intent here is to point out that You said this in an earlier post to another member (We are in a forum, we are here to discuss about the pieces we share. If we can't say what we feel, we are just here to suck each others ? No disrespect but respect other's opinion.)

We are at this Forum to have an objective discussion about Historical Items in which we all enjoy . Then you say ( Anyway ,I give it up ) Please correct me if I am incorrect with how I interpreted your meaning , it sounds that the respect in which you ask others to give You , is not being given back . Also as was pointed out by another member here sometime back some of the members here are from different countries and confusion to what a person is trying to elaborate may be misunderstood . No Ill intent or disrespect is meant by this it is only to point out that You should give the same back to those members in which You ask them to give to you and your objective opinion .

I misunderstood Your meaning as You obviously misunderstood mine in the earlier post . As I mentioned pics taken in one way compared to another way can be deceiving . Best Regards
Michael, As I mentioned in earlier post , The Pics of 32287 HT are blurry and taken from side angle which changes the look of numbering . It is fact that Pics can be deceiving . In the Pic You posted of the Ring 32287 look close at the 7 it appears to have V shape . One more thing I can add if in fact the stamps used to Number this particular were Rounded they would leave a more prevalent rippling affect on the edges of the stamping were the metal forced away to the edges of the numbering .

In mentioning or speaking of Numbering Stamps that are made now I know of none that are of a Rounded Type . All I know of Still have V shape to them . It is possible I have not sen the type You mention . Do you have Pics you can attach .

In the Pic You posted with 440 Turret is this in Your Collection or a Pic you harvested from auction or other ? I ask because the stamping of the numbers could have many years or dust dirt or corrosion in the stamping . So if this is case it would be unwise to make a determination by the Pics alone . I understand at times we need to make a judgement when a possible purchase is to be made . But to unequivocally pass judgement on pic or pics alone is not good practice as a collector at least not IMHO . Best Regards
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Me too, but only because of the incessant 'posturing', 'bickering', and veiled personal attacks contained within this extended post...:facepalm: