
I'm looking at a late war 98 it has a parkerized finish, is that original to those rifles, or after market it seems to be of a light gray color.
The factories began using a phosphare finish, which is grey in color, in late 1944, so its possible. We would have to see the rifle...
It's possible it is original. We would need to see pictures to tell you one way or the other.
That's the correct finish for a bnz45, but the stock/bands on that one are all wrong. See our Pic Sticky Forum for examples of what good ones look like.
Definite resto job with earlier furniture, but the metal is legit so all you need is an impossible to find stock to make it a great piece!
late war 98k


thanks to you and all that helped.

but I could not find the picture you told me about,i looked for quite a while.

thank again to all