Laminate stock stripped buttplate screw hole


Well-known member
I've got a G43 with a laminate stock and the bottom screw hole has cracked/stripped out to the point the screw no longer tightens and just spins freely.

Whats the best way to go about this? Leave it as it is or fix?

I know it's a G43, but I'd have to think this info probably double duties with K98k Laminate stocks. Its an all matching bcd G43 btw.
Pictures. Upon closer inspection it actually looks like someone before me tried there hand at fixing it. See the glue at the crack. Crack I'm guessing caused by overtightening the screw?


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I would glue and clamp it but it looks like it was already glued. So, what I would do is drill the hole so that a dowel can be glued in. Then drill a new hole for the screw. This way it will be fixed, screw wouldn't fall out and it's not seen.
There is probably some kind of oil residue in the stock and the glue will not really take very well. . An epoxy is probably the way to go and then you can re-tap the hole for a screw.
There is probably some kind of oil residue in the stock and the glue will not really take very well. . An epoxy is probably the way to go and then you can re-tap the hole for a screw.

I read online about epoxy then just screwing into said epoxy. Also saw one where you make a wood glue slurry with sawdust then screw into that. Im not sure whata im gonna do yet. I just want it to hold, more worried about losing the original screw.
break off a short section of a round toothpick to length, place in the hole and replace screw. It often gives enough for the screw to bite, w/o any permanent change
I would glue and clamp it but it looks like it was already glued. So, what I would do is drill the hole so that a dowel can be glued in. Then drill a new hole for the screw. This way it will be fixed, screw wouldn't fall out and it's not seen.

Yes, this is the right way to fix it. Pre made dowel plugs are available also epoxy made just for wood.


Dowel should be coated with epoxy and still able or insert with just slight finger pressure. After its set up pre drill to accept screw.

Second bob on the toothpick - no harm/modification and screw stays in place and does not get lost. Done many times.
wooden match stock works well too. Break to length, stick in hole and screw. The soft wood of the match stick deforms easily.
Toothpick worked like a charm. Seems to be being pretty tightly. Will update on how it holds up.

Thanks guys!


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you need Ricky Borecky to discuss a repair...he has saved many many high end US stocks and often cant see the repair