Kriegsmodell German Edition Raffle

Cmon, where's Bruce. He's running this show. The people demand a lotto tonight! We need pitchforks.
There are always going to be lurkers on every forum. It's a part of a forum, most are too green to add much to a conversation but do indeed learn from the conversations. Then BAM they show up with a crispy S/147 K they picked up at a garage sale.

Welcome lurkers. :thumbsup:

You are absolutely right. My post sounded more ill spirited than I mea.t it to be...I shouldnt be complaing about non-participation, but encouraging more of it, that's closer to my feelings on it.

You get a whole lot more from a forum if you interact than just read.

My apologies if I sounded harsh (which I did....) I sure put my foot in my mouth a lot. Maybe I should lurk more.



Ok the winner will be posted tomorrow at 9:00PM EST. Stay tuned.

I have an additional copy that has some minor water damage but all pages readable and really not bad.
Thats the runner up prize.

Thanks for all who signed up.
There are always going to be lurkers on every forum. It's a part of a forum, most are too green to add much to a conversation but do indeed learn from the conversations. Then BAM they show up with a crispy S/147 K they picked up at a garage sale.

Welcome lurkers. :thumbsup:

Thanks for the welcome!

You are absolutely right. My post sounded more ill spirited than I mea.t it to be...I shouldnt be complaing about non-participation, but encouraging more of it, that's closer to my feelings on it.

You get a whole lot more from a forum if you interact than just read.

My apologies if I sounded harsh (which I did....) I sure put my foot in my mouth a lot. Maybe I should lurk more.



no problem. I understand what you are saying. My collecting has been kinda idle the last few years....the kids like shooting AR's/Berettas more than dad's old rifles. Too much recoil i geuss.:facepalm: So I have been a lurking as i try to get back up to speed. I was never much of a K98 guy( I much prefer pre 1918) but this late war stuff is pretty interesting.
Well, welcome fireman. There is so much to learn, and it is even better the more everyone participates!

I know what you mean, everyone wants to try the K98's out when I take people shooting, but most don't go through more than a couple stripper clips, then complain all day about their shoulders hurting!!

My shoulder hurts, too, but I just keep shooting, and fondly regard my sore shoulder for several days. :thumbsup:
