Km camo helmet


Well-known member
Hello everyone,so here's another of my camo helmets,it's been in the family since the 50s.My dad got it from a kid at his school which is where he got the bulk of the collection.Tried my best to take good photos but the light wasn't great and I used my phone to do it but anyways here it is.I wonder what happened to Becker?


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And more......


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A real KM camo helmet. Nothing fancy compared to the "exotic freshies" which now flood the market, but very attractive and cool original piece. I would buy this with confidence over any "Normandy camo".

Great lid!
Pocher decal

That is a very nice Camo. But I think it is a EF produced helmet with a toned Pocher Heer decal?

regards Frank
Really nice helmet.....I like it. Be prepared for cries of "fake!" with comments of "paint not dead enough, even wear around the rim, and liner does not show necessary use that every camo should show" :thumbsup:

Not a CA pocher. But still not a KM. A killer helmet by the way. Its a toned Heer Ef used a couple different decals on m40's I can post up some examples when I get a chance.
That is a very nice Camo. But I think it is a EF produced helmet with a toned Pocher Heer decal?

regards Frank

here is a great tool to use to compare ET to CAP decals.


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there is an EF variant on m40's that resemble ET's in pattern but don't share all the features. The decal isn't a CAP.

Here is the difference between an EF and ET decal. I have saved photos of the best examples I could find for study.

EF on the left ET on the right.


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Thanks for all of your comments guys,I do believe in wear patterns,good colours etc etc but I think you have to also account for how much a helmet was used,where it was used,possibly how long it was used and finally what happened to it after the war as in was it stored well,stored poorly,used as a kids play thing etc etc.I think a lot of what is said by both sides of the fence is right.Add in the humpers to the mix and it creates a nightmare!I always thought it was navy with the eagle being so golden.
As far as KM decals are concerned there are 3 variants that show up on M40 and m42 helmets. The two different versions of the ET pattern.
Black bordered and grey. Then the thin wing HJ&K. That's it.. Either can find their way onto an EF shell though.

Left to right.. Grey bordered ET. Middle HJ&k thin wing variant, right black bordered ET at angle showing ridge.

The KM decal has more to do than just the color. Its the construction as well. Once you know what to look for it's easy.


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That is a very nice Camo. But I think it is a EF produced helmet with a toned Pocher Heer decal?

regards Frank

Not a CA pocher. But still not a KM. A killer helmet by the way. Its a toned Heer Ef used a couple different decals on m40's I can post up some examples when I get a chance.

Really nice helmet.....I like it. Be prepared for cries of "fake!" with comments of "paint not dead enough, even wear around the rim, and liner does not show necessary use that every camo should show" :thumbsup:

Excellent camo utilizing the factory finish! You won't hear any cries of "fake!" from me. Look at that crown patina, the rivet wear! This thing has been around the block! Non-RAL paint ? Oh-my !

EF M40s are currently found with 3 types of Heer decals; the ET, the HJ&K, and what I call the EF/Pocher (a Pocher Heer decal on an EF helmet).

I do believe this to be the EF Pocher Heer and not KM. That right-most talon is a dead-on match with the photo of a Pocher Heer in Ken N.'s book p.331.

EF M40 KM helmets are found with 3 types of KM decals: the ET-KM, and the EF-KM both thick and thin wing varieties (Ken N. pp.349-350).

As I understand it, the Pocher factory did not produce a KM decal, so any purported KM decal with Pocher features is a toned Heer.
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I grew up looking at this helmet as a kid and imagined it being worn by Becker tramping up and down the Atlantic wall freezing his nuts off waiting for the invasion.