Third Party Press

KARAB 98B - What do I Have?

Or just get parts that have mismatched SNs and a good enough stock for now and use that as a baseline to fill in those gaps. Projects like this are really best done in stages, and the good thing is that you can usually flog the old placeholder parts on a trader once you no longer need them.

Or toss them in the parts bin. The parts bin hungers.
Finally had a chance to give the oddball stock a thorough going over for serial numbers, but not a trace remains. It has been sanded in the valley so much, apparently attempting to Free Float the barrel, that not even an impression from the stamping remains, so no go on any numbers unfortunately. It's a shame because I would have liked to have known a clue as to what this stock was before the mods, since Loewe noted it had no sling cut. Oh well, just wanted to update everyone who had been following this thread. I guess the search for Stock,,, "Bug Hunt" begins. :oops:
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