Third Party Press

Kahles Minion 2 1/2X how old?


Repo Field Gear Collector
I've been digging online and the info seems inconsistent so far as to when these were made. I don't see a SN anywhere on it so far. I am not big into optics but had to have this little scope. Does anyone have a smallbore or pictures of one with a minion mounted? Thanks!


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its a early scope about mid 1930's due to the half focus ring. serial should be on the saddle/adjust tower. they put a med to heavy black paint and it sometimes blends in good but you should be able to see a serial these had them. if NO serial parts could have been swapped out from a post war scope to make this one a complete scope. see pic to see serial placement,


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It dates post WWII and is mounted on a commercial mount for the post WWII manufactured .22 rifles by Tyrol (nowadays known as Voere Kufstein).

The mounts are post WWII but the Minon series of scope was slowly phased out when the Helia series made a debut about 1926 the highest Mignon scope is very early 28,000 serial range so WAY before WWII even happened. this model is AFTER the Mignon VI series that had a different focus adjustment and before the H4x60 debuted. lowest H4x60 is late 30,xxx range.

Thanks for the input guys, I've got a bit later model voere, nice rifles. Thanks for the serial info Vaughn, unfortunately I still can't see a serial on this one. Is that a lightly stamped serial or acid etched? Might be covered in paint, I'll get a bright light on it tomorrow and look again. Is that the same model scope or a 4x or something else entirely Vaughn? Claw mounted? Looks nice.

Military Rifle Journal