Third Party Press

K98k value


Active member
Hello, I'm currently in the market for a K98. There are 2 semi-local ones for sale at about 800-900. I was wondering if anyone could tell me anything about them, or if they're worth buying. Any insight is appreciated, and i can send/add pics if anyone would like to help
1st one I'd hard pass at 8-900. Yugo capture, scrubbed receiver, added serial number on right side.

2nd one byf 43 shows promise. Like to see/know more about it for a better opinion.
Seller says it headspaces fine, and they believe it to be a Romanian capture. It does have a crack in the stock directly behind the tang, but it appears to be very tiny. I can PM you the Google photo album with more pictures
Here is an old SRF post on the attributes of different K98k Mauser rifles. See the Romanian/ Albanian/ Balkan K98k Captures section. Most info is within page 1. You may want to consider an RC? Yugo capture K98Ks are nice but have the Yugo crestshould be intact: see the Yugo section...

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Here is an old SRF post on the attributes of different K98k Mauser rifles. See the Romanian/ Albanian/ Balkan K98k Captures section. Most info is within page 1. You may want to consider an RC? Yugo capture K98Ks are nice but have the Yugo crestshould be intact: see the Yugo section...

Thank you, I shall look at this when i get the chance. Appreciate the info

Military Rifle Journal