Frank, I hazard to guess on this rifle, mere speculation based on very limited observations... it is a near fact that the 98k was derived from altering (shortening) 98b's to 98k length (actually three different lengths experimented, one 98k length) and not on the Standard Modell of WMO. The experiments led to the 98k but was deemed too expensive for widespread implementation (Simson was considered for the mass alterations but considered too expensive).Paul,
I was hoping you would chime In. Would you be of the same impression with my rifle, that the modification was not German done. (I think you have the data on mine, including barrel markings in your trends work)
My thoughts, maybe wishful thinking, is the two are German mods, perhaps very early when only two firms we’re making K98ks, and the German military was rapidly expanding. The fact that both rifles are RCs I think supports these being German done. We know the Russians “captured“ Gew98s, 98Ms, Kar 98b long rifles, as their parts routinely turn up on RC K98ks.
But I have never seen or heard of an intact Gew98 style rifle being a RC.
It appears the Russians scrapped non standard length mausers as they did non-essential parts like cleaning rods and lock screws during their refurb process. To me this is evidence, not proof, that these rifles were in their present form when the Russians acquired them.
The question remains who did the modifications. My wishful thinking theory, in 1934 and 35 when only Mauser and Sauer were making K98ks, some government/military organization was put to work modifying long rifles. But I have nothing to support this theory.
Wolfgang provided some documents to this effect though it was years (more than a decade ago, probably two) ago and I went into some detail (speculation) on interpretation at my attempt to create a 98k version of (I let it go as it was time consuming and my interest in 98k isn't what it was 40 years ago, besides money is tight on SS and raising livestock..).
I will see if I can find the drafts from and post it to you... it would be on my main computer and based upon my translations of German documents (which are pretty "interpretive" and worse than Storz sorry English translations)