K98k Cleaning Rods 12" - Original German? - Or Norwegian?

This is all great info. Thanks for the discussion guys.

To summarize Norwegian rods:

•Have a straight ledge/cliff, with very short barrel to said ledge

•Less/shorter amount of threads (bigger offset)

I still have to check my third “Norwegian” one. Glad that at least one of them is likely an original…
Let me be very clear: my “Norway” rod actually came from Tommy (US1945) FROM Norway, while the other rod I shared came from the trader here sold as German and clearly marked as such. They aren’t necessarily Gospel for rod types. but both are certainly representative of those known types. I’m sure variations exist in both “Norway” and legit “German” rods.

It’s also possible that whoever was making them was supplying them to Germany as replacements during the war. I have no proof of any of this but they are possibilities to consider. We don’t consider Radom manufactured parts illegitimate, but we DO sort of frown on anything potentially made postwar.