K98k 337 1940 markings


Hi there from the UK, been following the threads and the expertise on the forum. I am dipping my toe into K98 rifles, to add to my other military rifles. I have the opportunity to look at a 1940 337 RC and wanted to check the markings I should be looking for. The UK market is very small and was looking for pointers. Any information would be appreciated. Great forum cheers Martin

Hello Blighty, take a gander at these from the picture reference and see if they help
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Many thanks for the prompt reply. I will study the pics in detail but I have a suspicion that the rifle I’m looking at has had markings added and not original. Will post some pics when sent to me. Looks like I’m twenty years too late but everyone has to start somewhere 😁👍🏻

Hello Blghty,take a gander at these from the picture reference and see if they help
You beat me to it Rick
I am curious if flat top 337 also appears on some 1940 rifles or only on 1939?

Here is a thread with some discussion on font styles...
