K98 stock finish


Junior Member
I acquired a walnut stock & vanguard for my 1939 S42. What finish did the Germans use on their wood?
Pics would be helpful, but I'd say dont put anything at all on it unless it's dry as hell and splitting. It survived 80 years, and I'm sure it will be fine as long as its properly cared for.
:Should have mentioned that the stock is going on a RC. It is very dry with a large crack on the left side of the barrel channel that I am going to try to fix.
Normally I say don't touch it but in your circumstance get some Boiled Linseed Oil and some Pure Gum Turpentine and mix them 2 parts oil to one part Turps. Put it on with a soft rag and about an hour later buff the ever living h*** out of it. You may have to do it twice. You want to avoid a lot of shine and a varnished look so no building it up.

A quality piece you leave alone.