K98 safe yugo ammo?


Senior Member
Last week I ran into a guy selling some cheap 8mm and bought an unopened case of yugo m49 ammo. Is this stuff K98k safe?
Watch out for the 54/55 dated Yugo. I had two case head splits and on examining the unfired rounds I found several with case head cracks. This was in an unopened case. The 98k held the pressure well, but always use safety glasses.
Thanks for the reply. I am assuming this is fairly corrosive?

Yes corrosive-m49 is decent ammo. Primers are seated deep - if your headspace is not spot on you can get misfires.

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Watch out for the 54/55 dated Yugo. I had two case head splits and on examining the unfired rounds I found several with case head cracks. This was in an unopened case. The 98k held the pressure well, but always use safety glasses.

I used to shoot a fair bit '53-'57 Yugo ammo, and while it was decent, it was a bit scary, as suggested above. After firing one especially pyrotechnic round, I checked the casing and it was split completely down the side. It also didn't seem nearly as powerful as new S&B ammo (which is a lot more expensive, I realize), but then again I didn't have the opportunity to buy it in a still-sealed container.

Edit: I also shot most of mine with a higher-power firing spring, just to make sure I got a good, solid hit on the primer!