K98 Rifle

Hello everyone! I wanted to reach out to anyone that might have some information on a rifle before I buy it. It is on Cabelas in another state so I can't see it personally. The rifle is listed as a k/98 S/42 in 8MM Mauser. The receiver says 1936. It has an X on the left side of the reciever so I understand that it is most likely (100%) a RC. It also has the horizontal serial number on the left side of the butt stock and electro penciling on the bolt. So I'm sure its a RC.

That being said its listed as having a 23.75 inch barrel, weight 9 lbs 3 ozs and a flat butt plate.
It has a flat butt plate. I understand that the cupped butt plates were later k98k's with a different stock.
I can't see the rear site very well in pictures and the front sight is not hooded?
It does have a bent/curved bolt

So that all that being said, is this a K98K or something else?


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It's a russian capture K98k. Not that it really matters on Russian Captures, but the flat buttplate stock is correct for pre-1941 rifles, and so is the lack of a sight hood. Sight hoods were retrofitted to many early rifles later int he war, and the Russian parts blender just slapped any random stocks on them. Here it happened to be a flat buttplate one.

For $1400, hard pass.
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Yes real k98k, but it is an $600 to $800 rifle. Russian captures can have any assortment of parts from any rifle. Can have a 1935 in a 1945 stock with 1943 barrel bands, etc. They usually don't come with sight hoods unless someone added one after import.