K98 New Buyer Guide

Hello All,

Newer poster here and looking for my first K98. When I began my collection I decided I wanted to get 1 collector grade rifle and pistol from all major nations involved in WW2. To date I’ve acquired an M1 Garand and carbine, 1911a1, P.38, and No4 mk1* Enfield. All of my collection so far are nice examples of original pieces. I’m looking at a K98 next, but am a little concerned about ensuring I get my collector grade piece, but not getting scammed. Any advice for someone new to this specific rifle? I already acquired the collectors books and began reading, but any other advice? Also advice on what you would pick if you only had the chance to purchase one rifle what would you go for?

Thanks for any advice to someone looking to join the club. Cheers!

Also attaching a pic of my current collection for fun.IMG_0528.jpeg
Welcome to the forum, you picked the best place for 98k's. These rifles are indeed a minefield field and you really need to do your homework. I will say, this is the best place to buy one. There's a trader section here and they pop up often, from mixmasters to full matching collector's pieces. The guys here won't steer you wrong and most that are sold are fairly priced. If anything fishy gets posted, it gets called out real quick. So, you could say buying one here is pretty much worry free. Feel free to question things and get second opinions. Still, do your research and browse around the forum, especially in the reference section!
Welcome to the forum. If you already have the books then that is great. I will say this about K98ks, there are more years and variations then most any other WWII rifle. That makes the learning curve very steep. So focus on a particular maker and time frame. I would suggest study Mauser O in 1943 to 1944. Those are some of the most common but also most desirable. Read about them in the Volume II and study pictures of examples here in the Pic Stickey thread. Once you determine what you want, post a want to buy ad on the trader. Once contacted about a rifle ask peoples opinions here to make sure you know exactly what you are getting.

Good luck, they are addicting.
Thats a nice spread you got there! My collection is also geared towards WWII but unfortunately Ive gotten the k98k bug too. I would try your best to pick up all the German pieces as soon as you can- they have and continue to increase in value- 98k’s in particular. Russian, American, Japanese stuff will be around- same with the British stuff. I’d look into an all matching or bolt mismatch if you just want one that is a collector piece. Collector 98k’s will bite your wallet though, expect to pay $1300-$1600 for a nice bolt MM depending on code and rarity. Matching guns will be $2K and up for the most part! You came to the right place- I’d take a look at the forum trader and ask around- tons of members will put their stuff up on here.
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Welcome to the forum, you picked the best place for 98k's. These rifles are indeed a minefield field and you really need to do your homework. I will say, this is the best place to buy one. There's a trader section here and they pop up often, from mixmasters to full matching collector's pieces. The guys here won't steer you wrong and most that are sold are fairly priced. If anything fishy gets posted, it gets called out real quick. So, you could say buying one here is pretty much worry free. Feel free to question things and get second opinions. Still, do your research and browse around the forum, especially in the reference section!
Thanks for the welcome and great to know there's people here willing to help out. I'm willing to pay for a quality piece, but just want to make sure I'm getting what I pay for. A huge thank you for being willing to help those who are new!
Welcome to the forum. If you already have the books then that is great. I will say this about K98ks, there are more years and variations then most any other WWII rifle. That makes the learning curve very steep. So focus on a particular maker and time frame. I would suggest study Mauser O in 1943 to 1944. Those are some of the most common but also most desirable. Read about them in the Volume II and study pictures of examples here in the Pic Stickey thread. Once you determine what you want, post a want to buy ad on the trader. Once contacted about a rifle ask peoples opinions here to make sure you know exactly what you are getting.

Good luck, they are addicting.
Thanks for the welcome! I appreciate the insight into a time frame. I just know I want it to be a war time k98 and not a kriegsmodell. Preferably when they were a higher quality build. I'll check that era out in the books now.
K98k are a great gateway drug to German collecting and this is the best place to learn about them.
That's what I'm worried about haha I already got a P.38 and researching that got me onto a K98 next. That's my favorite part about picking a new gun to acquire is the research. So cool to learn the difference quirks and things. Just wish I didn't get into the hobby right when it became ridiculously expensive.
Yep pretty expensive now. Have noticed Japanese Type 38s and 99s are rising too with mum intact. Should have jumped on that Type 99 for $25 back in 72.