K98 JP sauer barreled action


Junior Member
Hello everyone, i just received a 1940 jp sauer barreled action for $300. I was dying to have one but could never justify spending $900-$1200 on one. My collection of WW2 firearms is relatively small. I have a garand and a 1903a3 and I felt that a K98 would be perfect to complete the collection. The bore absolutely pristine with a lot of life left in it. The Waffenamts and fireproofs are pretty faded which makes me wonder if it has been polished at some time. Since I’m kinda new to this realm of collecting, what steps should I take for completing the rifle. Like make it correct with parts that contain the proper Waffenamts or make a completely mismatch rifle? Also what are your thoughts on the purchase, good, bad, meh?


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I want to post additional photos but it says they will exceed my quota. Ask me if y’all want to see more and send a link to imgur


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Putting something like that back together can be a real money pit. If you are committed to it, I'd start looking for a parts rifle you can rob most of the missing parts from, maybe a heavily sporterized one. Then look for a decent complete stock set. But I can tell you from personal experience that projects like this can nickel and dime you to death unless you are very patient.
Although the research and the hunt for correctly marked parts and restoring to a good representative piece can be satisfying but it usually winds up costing quite a bit. Plenty of good info on this forum as to what you should be looking for part wise. Once you find what you need search here and places like gun broker and even E bay believe it or not can be a source of parts. Just keep looking and enjoy
Projects like these are done for the love of it. You end up spending more than a complete rifle in most cases. With that said, good luck and enjoy your project. You will certainly learn the ins/out of the rifle.
I just sold a matching 1940 sauer stock set last week. Last sauer stock I had.
I appreciate all of the comments. Since I posted, I went ahead and grabbed a Russian capture stock set with bands and all for $190 and a parts lot for $40. The lot included a complete magazine assembley, trigger and some bolt parts. All I need now is the bolt body along with a firing pin and spring and the bolt stop assembled. All of the parts I’ve gotten are BYF marked and unmarked. So far I have a total of $530 into this project and feel that I can definitely get it below $700. Which seems to be a touch under the mismatch rifles on gunbroker. They seem to go for about $800-$1000
Yes, given the parts you've collected and those others your seeking you should be able to put together a working example of a k98.

However, since the bolt your putting together is from various sources and wasn't fitted into this rifle at the factory, I'd strongly urge you to take the completed rifle to gunsmith prior to firing it. You should ask the gunsmith to give the rifle a check for any potential issues and most importantly, ask him to check the headspace on the weapon. Head spacing a firearms is a safety thing and once completed by the smith, you should be good to go on actually firing the rifle.
I can help with a bolt stop assembly, firing pin and spring for $50 shipped. I do have a bolt body but it's an s/42 depot spare and their value would not work for your budget i'm afraid.
I finally got everything together. Really appreciate everyone’s help on this build, especially mowzerluvr. He gave me some great parts. I think a mismatch non-Russian capture for around $700 isn’t that bad.


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Hopefully you've got a good shooter there. Personally I think the $700 would be better spent on a RC, but it's your money, so if you're happy, it's all good.
Hopefully you've got a good shooter there. Personally I think the $700 would be better spent on a RC, but it's your money, so if you're happy, it's all good.

How much do Russian captures go for? I could never find a German Mauser with all of the markings (swastikas, eagles, and all) for $700 or less anywhere. Maybe in 2015 they went for that much but definitely not now. If you got one with all intact markings that you want to let go then let me know
A complete K98k for $700. is not a bad deal at all. I think your rebuild looks good, better than any of the RCs that I own. Hard to love that russian refinish.