Third Party Press

K98 fb radom 1928 reworkd. Need help with identifying.


Well-known member
Lots of matching but. 1. Has german rear sight leaf. 2. The bolt has symbols i dont recognize. 3. If I try to find a stock for this what do I need to look for? Pics to follow.
The barreled receiver is a Polish K98, basically a copy of the Imperial German kar. 98a. Someone has added an early K98k rear sight leaf, perhaps to replace the missing original Polish sight.

The stock and handguard you need are unique to this model, although it is totally interchangeable with the very similar stock for the earlier german kar 98a. The stocks for these carbines are quite difficult to locate.

good luck.
To add onto this, the handguard retaining lip of the receiver was milled off sadly, so there will be a gap between the receiver and the handguard provided you find a stock set.
Do you want a Polish rear sight ladder and slider? I have a spare that I can sell you, but the slider push button checkered surface is ground off for some reason.
Do you want a Polish rear sight ladder and slider? I have a spare that I can sell you, but the slider push button checkered surface is ground off for some reason.
Thanks. But I'm ok with the one I got . Seems to be a mix of parts kind of rifle to use as a good shooter.
I hoped it might have been a bring back rifle, but I'm leaning more toward someone bought it from a magazine or store at some point.

Military Rifle Journal