K98. 1940 nouvel adoption


Here the pictures of K98. of 1940 which I have just acquired in calibre 8x57JS.
Marking on the back of the stock plate 5.33.40
All your information will be welcome.
Thank you very much

Voici les photos du K98. de 1940 que je viens d'acquérir en calibre 8x57JS
Marquage sur l'arrière de la plaque de crosse 5.33.40
Toutes vos infos seront les bienvenues
En vous remerciant
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Bernard, it looks like a very, very nice Borsigwalde, more pictures please. Buttplate, barrel bands and bayo lug would be great. Thanks for the post.
Agree it appears to be a nice example. I notice the difference in finish of the floorplate. Does it match?
What is the service acceptance letter on the stock - H, L, or M?
Well its looking more like a correct and rare 243 1940.Please show a photo of the stock proof as below.


  • 243 004.JPG
    243 004.JPG
    294.8 KB · Views: 17