K43 ac44 look good?


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Matching,stock dosent look sanded,scope and mount,look good?


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Well I would like to see better pictures but I don't see anything concerning. Scope is real, mount looks to be real. Stock may be cleaned (again better pictures would help). This is a later panel cut which is nice. What is the letter block? Probably a n, p or q block. Congrats and thanks for sharing.
Thank you!Its a q block,number partly hidden below the stock.Here are better pics of stock,the right side of the receiver is incredibly rough,but must have been good enough to pass.


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Love the rough forged panel cut receiver, not a common find. I like it!

Only real downside I see is the stock and hand guard look like they have had a pretty heavy handed sanding and some sort of finish with maybe a touch of stain thrown in to darken it up. Take the action out of the stock and see what the wood looks like as well. Look at the photo of the wood inside and below the scope mount rail (where the scope is removed) and note the wood seems a perfect color and finish match to the stock. This area of the stock never gets much handling or wear in the field and typically will be a good bit lighter in color. Something to watch out for along with the wood internal appearance with the action removed.

Scope, bands and mount look like good originals too.++++ All you need is an original cleaning rod and you're good to go. Did you get a manual or any spares in the butt stock compartment?

Overall a nice pickup I'd say, congrats and thanks for sharing your trophy, enjoy!

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This is a red glue stock and has a lot of red in it.Thanks for the opinion!I have had the gun out of the stock and I dont believe it was sanded.Nothing in the buttstock,will a k98 rod fit?I have a k98 ce41 that has this same color red glue laminated stock and it is the original finish.
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I like this rifle and having a nice original scope and mount with it is even better. Congrats on your panel cut G/K43 not easy too find either.
This is a red glue stock and has a lot of red in it.Thanks for the opinion!I have had the gun out of the stock and I dont believe it was sanded.Nothing in the buttstock,will a k98 rod fit?I have a k98 ce41 that has this same color red glue laminated stock and it is the original finish.

The stock certainly looks sanded from some pics. The inspection marks on the stock are distorted but are still visible.
Thank for the opinion!Look at the waA c10 stamp on the bottom of the buttstock,you can see the individual laminations in the stock,if sanded that would be gone.The side stamp was a light hit or worn stamp,I have seen this before,still has chatter marks on stock,no thinning on stock and parts fit as they should,this stock was never sanded but thats just my opinion.I will post better pics outside,the glare of the indoor lighting makes it look shiney.Let me post better pics and you guys can decide,not trying to make a case for it,all opinions are welcome!If it was sanded then it was but I have never had a concern on that aspect of this rifle.I have owned and seen lots of sanded stocks on these and its always very evident.
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You have a very nice K43 there. The receiver markings: K43 ac44 are tough to find and a panel cut is a plus. Stock is NOT sanded. It may have had some type of coating applied to it but unless it is an in-hand inspection it is hard to tell. The waffenamt on the side of the butt stock that show just wing tips is quite common. Although it is an indication that sanding may have occurred, it usually indicates that whoever did the stamping held the stamp incorrectly. I have seen many of these "wing-tipped" only waffenamts on unaltered stocks. The other markings in the keel of the stock, in fact, look pretty good. Do you know the history of this rifle? Was the mount with the rifle as far as you know? Can you post a picture of the bottom of the mount? That will tell me if the mount is transitional or not. If it is transitional, it would be time period correct for that rifle.

You have a very nice K43 there. The receiver markings: K43 ac44 are tough to find and a panel cut is a plus. Stock is NOT sanded. It may have had some type of coating applied to it but unless it is an in-hand inspection it is hard to tell. The waffenamt on the side of the butt stock that show just wing tips is quite common. Although it is an indication that sanding may have occurred, it usually indicates that whoever did the stamping held the stamp incorrectly. I have seen many of these "wing-tipped" only waffenamts on unaltered stocks. The other markings in the keel of the stock, in fact, look pretty good. Do you know the history of this rifle? Was the mount with the rifle as far as you know? Can you post a picture of the bottom of the mount? That will tell me if the mount is transitional or not. If it is transitional, it would be time period correct for that rifle.

Agreed...does not look sanded to me... I look for odd contours and scratching in metal or cross bolts.. Looks like a nice red glue stock.:thumbsup:

Take some pics outside and I think that would help.
I agree need to take some photo's outside as the stock does appear sanded to me in the lighting of these photo's. Take some close up photo's of the stock outside. A very nice Rifle !!
Not sanded or sanded, enjoy it. This is so beat to death! Stocks were sanded after the fact people, deal with it. Not every one is in as shipped from the factory condition. Those of us with multiple examples of the same item probably have or have had at one point a less than perfect one.
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Will post some better pics as soon as I get a chance.Since a sanded stock seems to greatly affect the value its important to me as a estimate of value.What is this one worth,all parts are original,sling didnt look as if it had ever been off the rifle when I got it but had to check internals.Have had this rifle at least 15 years closer to 20.It was a Gunbroker auction with poor pics and info and no return,just the rifle.Won it for 1700.00 took a gamble and I think I won!The scope and mount I traded for years ago so its not original to the rifle but could be correct sounds like will post pic of bottom of mount as requested.Thanks again for the comments and great info!
Not sanded or sanded, enjoy it. This is so beat to death! Stocks were sanded after the fact people, deal with it. Not every one is in as shipped from the factory condition. Those of us with multiple examples of the same item probably have or have had at one point a less than perfect one.

The German's did not sand their stocks. Any G/K43 that has a sanded stock was done so post war. A serious collector will not "deal with it" because we desire a un-touched rifle that has not been messed with by a previous owner. This does not include honest combat wear which is different. Many G/K43 rifles have had something done to their stocks. It seems many people just could not resist "enhancing" them. So to some of us who take the hobby seriously, we find it important to properly evaluate rifles to determine whether they are completely original or not as this effects the price. If you don't like this then that is fine (to each his own) but don't belittle us pointing out the truth. You are welcome to collect G/K43s with sanded or cleaned stocks, but they will never be worth what a un-touched example is worth.

None if this is referring to the OP's rifle, merely responding to your comment.
Here are some outside and more of mount.The light glare makes it look shiney in some pics,its not that shiney in hand.


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Here are some outside and more of mount.The light glare makes it look shiney in some pics,its not that shiney in hand.

As I said earlier ..beautiful untouched stock. New pics are great. Great catch. I have owned several panel cuts..
Nice rifle. We picked a P block panel cut over the weekend and the stock looks very similar. Are we sure there is a P range and a q range.

I have seen p or q blocks with finished stocks and raw stocks. The P block we picked up has NO bolt hold open feature as well. This one has one..
There is a lot of variation in these late Walthers..
Nice show. seems to me that is actual mag that came with rifle. Can I ask what you're using for pic a camera or cell phone. Setting you can adj your pixel for high quality image.