Just comment on the metal finish, please...

Bob in OHIO

Senior Member
Original German? I have doubts....


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Certainly appears more “distressed” than we usually see.....looks like fairly heavy use of a beartex wheel, not just the usual crude Steyr finish. The partially ‘ground off’ stamp marks tell of a fairly heavy hand......

just my HO...........
Looks altered, I wouldn’t spend my money on it.

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Comment on metal on bnz45

Looks like a very amateur cold blue job. Used a real heavy hand on the preliminary
buffing, probably didn't like phosphate finish.
agreed that color grey ( gray ) is seen on re-blued rifles cold blued, but heck anymore it could be the photo
Not original. It's 'rough' all right but not at all the correct rough finish. I hate telling humpers exactly what they're doing wrong.


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When I first saw this in the Picture reference Index, I must say that I was surprised that no one commented on the horrible polishing job and re dip of the metal.
well good news is we are all getting smarter and the serial flipper lost over 2k on this one !!! Sold at amoskeag for 4700 :thumbsup:

I'm home today due to the weather and was bored and looked at the auction results of the auction...

There was a huge batch of good and bad rifles in that auction that weren't Vincents and the consignor was not mentioned..

Funny how items with issues get passed around and dumped in an auction..
When I first saw this in the Picture reference Index, I must say that I was surprised that no one commented on the horrible polishing job and re dip of the metal.
Read the entire thread. I think the rifle is probably good, but looks to be messed with, and I think one gets that from the thread discussion.

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Thanks. I was really hoping that you w/could track the hammer price down, to see how this all went....:thumbsup:

I was glad to see the outcome too! The only certain way to stop that nonsense is to take their profit out of the equation. It's hard but as long as there's money to be had (or they think there is) it will never stop.

Also agree with RyanE. It's a real rifle but someone couldn't resist wanking on it probably trying to purdy it up. Especially the receiver ring. There's no way it left the factory looking like that.
Call me crazy but I think I see the ghosting of a screw in the top of the receiver. Couldve been drilled and tapped for a mount?

Definitely the finish and metal has been altered