Inherited 1937 mauser k 98 s/42. Need more information

You do know the rifle has been cut down, right? It's not in military configuration any more, so its been "touched". Look at any example of a K98k lol.

So what is it? Luftwaffe or SS? Show markings you're talking about. It's 100% not SS, Luftwaffe possibly, only by one single possible marking on the stock.

Good luck finding any other good information than from this forum, the foremost experts on these rifles are here...
If you're so sure of what this thing is, why did you come here in the first place? A humble brag or some nonsense? Bizarre. Bring a friend to the show with you, and have him bring a camera. You're adept at posting pics, so make sure he gets one of your face on the first $600 offer, and then on the tenth. Come back and post them. The rifle has been altered, period.
You do know the rifle has been cut down, right? It's not in military configuration any more, so its been "touched". Look at any example of a K98k lol.

So what is it? Luftwaffe or SS? Show markings you're talking about. It's 100% not SS, Luftwaffe possibly, only by one single possible marking on the stock.

Good luck finding any other good information than from this forum, the foremost experts on these rifles are here...
Luftwaffe. Sorry I didn't mean any disrespect
So what you all agree on is that it's Been altered?
As previously mentioned, its been sporterized. The foreend of the stock was cut and removed. The rifle is missing its upper hand guard and bands. This is not the factory military configuration.

This is what it would have originally looked like.

As previously mentioned, its been sporterized. The foreend of the stock was cut and removed. The rifle is missing its upper hand guard and bands. This is not the factory military configuration.
View attachment 349622

This is what it would have originally looked like.

View attachment 349628
Like I said no disrespect to anyone. That is a major difference and I see It now. All due respect to you sir! What's is this rifle worth? 600?