Hello everyone, new member here. I've found myself in a quandary, and thought I would seek help from someone who knows exactly what do. A few years ago, I bought a RC K98 with a stock that was dark, dirty, and beat to hell. After doing a little bit of research, I decided to refinish it. My procedure was a mild degreaser washed with water, followed by Citristrip, followed by stripper after wash and rinsed with water. I never sanded it, which caused any wiping with a rag or steel wool to "snag" under the wood fibers. I applied a single coat of BLO with steel wool and it somehow turned into a disaster. I applied it correctly. To this day, that stock still looks wet and is oily to the touch, as if the BLO never really dried. I recently bought a replacement stock which was in like condition as my original stock, and have done everything mentioned above expect apply a finish. After doing a lot of research, I'm still unable to get a definitive answer as to what the correct procedure is when applying a finish. The grain has been slightly raised from rinsing with water, and there is snagging when you wipe it. Should I sand it to eliminate the snagging fibers? What is the correct way to refinish it once it has been completely stripped? BLO seems to be everyones go-to finish, but from my past experience with it I don't want what happened last time to happen again. Excuse my ignorance. These are both laminate stocks. Thanks for any help.