Identifying rifle


Trying to get some info on this rifle that was left to me by my grandfather. The story behind it is someone in my family shot a German sniper out of a tree in the battle of the bulge and the original stock broke when it hit the ground but they brought the gun back with them and it just sat in a gun safe since. Any help would be greatly appreciated. All numbers match even on the scope.


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We need ALOT more photos. To me it looks like a 1944 J.P. Sauer High turret. And looks like it could be the real deal. But I am NOT a authority on snipers. I will let others take it from there.
I will post it in the sniper section for sure. I actually asked my grandfather if he knew what happened to the scope and he said he knew several people that would scuff them up so they wouldn’t shimmer if the sun hit them. Not sure if that’s what happened to this one but I do know it came back and got put away and would only come out to tell war stories. I appreciate the help I will get a full length shot tomorrow out in the sun.
E92FEE18-A0AB-436A-974D-E2A526EA5346.jpeg8471600B-C43C-4337-ACD0-BE0EABB76A09.jpeg96A9A968-9F94-4AF4-8DD0-397BF044A06C.jpeg2399688D-CAD5-4A3E-BCDB-17DDD101CD75.jpegDB934D86-536F-42D9-9306-41C8C9D46DDE.jpeg420BE914-2B66-4B15-B99D-70E3F94E1989.jpeg1C18D720-274D-4A72-A0C4-65E5B640972B.jpegI’m trying to get some info on this rifle that was left to me by my grandfather. Story was a family member shot a sniper out of a tree at the battle of the bulge and the rifle was brought back. No original stock as it broke when it well out of the tree but all number match.
From what I can see here it looks like a legit JPS High turret. Finish looks very odd but perhaps that is the photos. Looks promising but frankly your pictures are not nearly good enough to make a 100% determination. Please take pictures during the day outside in the shade.
From what I can see here it looks like a legit JPS High turret. Finish looks very odd but perhaps that is the photos. Looks promising but frankly your pictures are not nearly good enough to make a 100% determination. Please take pictures during the day outside in the shade.
I will get some better pictures tomorrow. I’m almost 40 and as long as I can remember that gun was in my grandpas safe so I’m 90% positive it’s the real deal and the story is true ik honestly trying to figure out what I should insure it for. I will get those pictures posted up soon. Thanks for the help.
Looks like an original J. P. Sauer & Sohn made High Turret sniper rifle. And if this is not enough, it is scope matching numbers. Are all other numbers matching too? I noticed it has a walnut stock as well, not laminate.

The yellow color might be due to the fact that it seems most of the finish is lacking from the rifle (on many parts even looks like it was sanded off). Adding to that is bad light conditions and possibly artificial flash plus wrong white balance.

If you take the pictures again, please bring the rifle out during daylight, best on a cloudy day. This will make a huge difference. While taking pictures make sure to take an overall picture of the whole rifle from both sides, then from the action with the scope visible in full length also from both sides before getting into certain detail aspects.
Looks like an Original Sauer HT from everything shown so far .

Sadly though as was mentioned someone cleaned the hell out of the Scope & Rings and possibly the barreled action as well .
Very awesome find, eagerly await seeing photos of the whole rifle in good lighting.

If I had to guess, it wasn't probably stored very well on its trip back across the Atlantic and started to get some rust, then oppa or someone went to town cleaning it.
Pitty, but they didn't look at them like we do today.
Looks promising! Some of the metal and the scope body have been cleaned at some point - you can see the fine scratches on the finish, likely down with steel wool or possible even a fine grit sandpaper. Nevertheless, if better pictures prove this to be legit as it looks, it would still have significant value financially and historically.