Identifying Mod 98


Need help identifying sporterized mod 98 swap 45, light stamping, 5 digit serial, Egale on top of action and safety image.jpgimage.jpg
Your rifle is too far gone to restore to military configuration if that's what you are asking.
swp=Brünn I
Zbrojovka Brno or Waffenwerke Brunn, in the Czech Republic and some time in early 1945. Serial number could get closer probably but I'd say Feb-April maybe
Awesome! Not looking to restore this gun to original, gun has a bit of sentimental value, just looking to potentially rebarrel and make a nice shooter for the deer woods. I’ve shot the gun maybe 200 rounds over the years, and can’t get it hold a 5” group at 50 yards In the current 8mm configuration.
Awesome! Not looking to restore this gun to original, gun has a bit of sentimental value, just looking to potentially rebarrel and make a nice shooter for the deer woods. I’ve shot the gun maybe 200 rounds over the years, and can’t get it hold a 5” group at 50 yards In the current 8mm configuration.
how’s the bore?
look closely at the muzzle, 1) is the barrel original length, 2) is there a nice smooth radius at the muzzle crown, 3) how’s it do w/ the ‘bullet test’? if the barrel was shortened, it may not have been recrowned properly; the crown may be damaged; the bore at the muzzle may be worn enough to swallow a bullet down to the casing. close the bolt & insert a cleaning rod down the bore, orig lth is 23-5/8”. the muzzle crown is curved like a donut, any gouges/nicks can send the bullet off, a gun smith can fix that. I really don’t like ‘the bullet test’ but if it sits into the bore too far, then the last inch or so of the bore is trumpet shaped, sending the bullet off, a smith can fix that by counter boring, or shortening the rifling without shortening the barrel.
there are other things that can lead to poor accuracy, loose action screws, cracked stock, broken out behind the recoil lug,………
of course you can rebarrel, but I’d try to find the problem before going there. 8mm 200 grain soft points are perfect for deer…….😊