I this a proper DOT scope for a ww2 sniper rifle k98 SS?

Is there any possibility of getting pictures of the scope and rings? Thanks

Your pictures are extremely poor. It seems you take them in a dark room with only little artificial light and the object to be pictured also holding in your hands, hence two always lightly moving objects (camera + object to be pictured) what causes blurred pictures. It would be much better if you:
1. use natural daylight - do the pictures while you have daylight. Best outside, on a cloudy day
2. only hold the camera (I suppose you're using a mobile?) and never as well what you want to take a picture of - best to hold camera with both hands
3. do overall pictures as well and try to get the object that you take pictures of straight. Meaning when you take a picture make sure to show the full receiver length from left to right and also horizontally aligned

Based on your pictures I have the feeling that you are looking at one of the post war Czech assembled sniper rifles of which so far it is known they exist, but not really on who used them and when exactly they were made. The absence of a code and year on your receiver point in this direction. Also the fact that you mention a capital letter F to be following the serial would perfectly fit to these rifles. A good start for you would be to read here -> https://www.k98kforum.com/threads/czech-ss-double-claw-sniper-swp-45.24429/

To though answer your question from the starting post - it so far is not known what the correct scope to your rifle is, hence to find the correct scope to it is at the moment not possible. A SS DC mounted dow+ coded scope will not fit and is not period correct for it, this at least I can tell you.

PS: does your rifle feature a winter trigger guard?
Yes it has the winter trigger guard.
Well then I'd feel safe to claim your rifle is one of the post war Czech assembled sniper rifles. Nevertheless looking forward to any additional pictures in higher quality.
After reading that thread, you sent me. It appears
To be one just like the two you have. I will post some better pictures as soon as I can. I will be going to Italy for 3 weeks. I will post some pics when I return.
It was made post war out of parts left over by Germans. For what I don’t know.
I would like to find a proper scope for it.
Thanks for your response.
PS: Half of the first page is btw fun postings on how OP failed to attach images to his starting post. Maybe one hint would be enough to point this out, so that for future there is not so much off topic in threads like this. At least I would appreciate this since I do love to give references and link to older threads.

@Telephone79 looking forward to see better pictures of your rifle. Since we had helped you for identification I'd appreciate it if you could on the contrary post those. Thanks!
PS: Half of the first page is btw fun postings on how OP failed to attach images to his starting post. Maybe one hint would be enough to point this out, so that for future there is not so much off topic in threads like this. At least I would appreciate this since I do love to give references and link to older threads.

@Telephone79 looking forward to see better pictures of your rifle. Since we had helped you for identification I'd appreciate it if you could on the contrary post those. Thanks!

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