"I am not greedy".......LOLOLOLOL.....nope, but he's gullible......

Very rare "snowflake" edition, not to be found on many receivers. Heck, forget about the "snow" part...
Yea, right!. If Mitchells told him they are that rare and to sell it for that, then he should of sold if back to them!:facepalm:
Lets be honest here.....someone will buy it. Then they will take it to this forum, or another, to show it off. Then they will be told what they really have, and about how a five minute google search could've saved them $1500 worth of turd. Then they will try to return it.

These pieces of crap are gonna keep circulating over and over.
I hope the part about Mitchell's scouring every warehouse in every continent and they may now be done destroying Mauser's is true.
Mmmmmmm, shiny bolt, so pretty...

Wonder if it comes with the $600 worth of original cleaning supplies and accessories?
Mmmmmmm, shiny bolt, so pretty...

Wonder if it comes with the $600 worth of original cleaning supplies and accessories?

I bet it comes with some sweet NOS yugo pouches. I'm more interested in the certificate of authenticity though. Most people won't buy a Mauser unless it comes with a COA and has been scanned with an XRF. You see, original WW2 steel has iron in it. A lot of that reproduction steel is actually made of zinc. There is a proprietary database, made from scanning literally dozens of rifles, that will show you if the gun is actually made of steel. It has saved the hobby.
You know I think for an extra $30. You can buy the magic rock treatment from ham's provdence through magic. Making this piece worth more then what it sold for. Plus getting another piece a paper saying it's worth more. After all it has too be true.
At last

Hey! Didn`t this K98 once belong to Ol` A.H. himself? Bet Ham`s rock will prove it. I`m just giggly with excitment over this GREAT find.:laugh:
When I came across this add the other day, I called the wife over to read it; she got a good laugh. She's learning.
I saw a Mitchell tday at a small gunshop . Owner wants 1900.00 . There was somebody there all hot to buy it at that price. Sad...I had to stand there with my mouth shut.
God I hope not KJ. Who in the hell wants to pay $1900 for a pimp up Russian capture rifle. When you can get a nice bolt mismatched rifle out there in good condition for under a $1000 or less.