high dollar dou 44?

I hear that! I have tried bidding on a few including this particular rifle in question on GB. I have lost every time. LOL.

You will learn to dig deeper in the auctions to find the jewels. I rarely buy on Gunbroker due to the auction madness, I have better luck on this forum and other venues which will remain secret. :thumbsup:
You will learn to dig deeper in the auctions to find the jewels. I rarely buy on Gunbroker due to the auction madness, I have better luck on this forum and other venues which will remain secret. :thumbsup:

Thanks Farb. I will take your advice.
I was making a point that every hobby I have been in in my life, from baseball cards, video games (yes ppl collect those) to cars, some people's obsession to the "worth" of their hobby is "market value of my collection in terms of hard dollars". I personally despise that inevitable part of collecting anything. Even if that's what a good majority of people on this forum are all about, that's also fine with me. I was just giving you my perspective on it.

I have never seen people here obsessing over what things cost, other than if they are ridiculously high, or we are cheering for one of us who scored an excellent deal cheap. I collect Carcanos, so that should tell you something about my infatuation with making money on collecting. At the same time, I work hard for the money I have and I generally don't like to spend more than things are worth as a rule. We are more about learning, information, and knowledge here. If you spend some time and look about you'll see the most respected and valued members here are the ones who contribute KNOWLEDGE, not regale us with their purchases and the value of their trinkets. That is what sets us apart. That the things we collect are highly sought after and increasing in value is, IMHO, a function of the integrity we bring to the hobby here, which is irrespective of monetary infatuation, which I do not see here. However, at the end of the day, short of family things, like locks of hair, your child's baby teeth, and the cremains of my dog in a box on the shelf, any possession worth having is invariably worth money.
IMO, everyone has a right to decide on the amount one is willing to spend on an item. I am, by nature, conservative in the amount I am prepared to spend. Not that I can't afford to splurge, but I remember all those years when there wasn't enough to make mortgage payments, raise kids , a budget was an absolute necessity and my hobby was hindered by that reality. This memory of times past affects my buy decisions, even today.
Ricker, I too get tired of pure investors in this hobby, those who refuse to accept any personal loss on an item etc. Why bother calling it a hobby if you are going enter with that kind of mind set? Then again I might be a terrible businessman, that’s why I’m a mechanic haha. I also don’t believe there is a lot of that going on here compared to other venues. I do agree that this kind of sentiment is fairly universal among most collecting. Except in warbirds, no one bothers asking, they just assume your living off canned beans haha.

Hambone, I don’t know what all kind of Carcanos you collect but I came across an original looking 1917 M91 TS carbine near me the other day for what seemed reasonable I think if you are interested in their contact info.
Doesn't even hold a candle too my factory original M1903A3. If anyone on here wants it for $3000 I'll sell it too you! :biggrin1:

If your close too me I'll meet you with your choice of adult beverage!

I have a just about brand new one I would love to have $3k for. It gauges a 0 ME and less than a .5 TE. It also has the early pinned stock.
I have a just about brand new one I would love to have $3k for. It gauges a 0 ME and less than a .5 TE. It also has the early pinned stock.

But does it come with a original factory cleaning kit? Mine still has it in the buttstock the price just went up $100's more because of it. I'm telling you this rifle looks like it came out of museum. Probably one of the best out there you won't see another like it. Coming out of my 10 plus year collection!

Now I would make a good salesmen. :biggrin1:
I agree that you can pay whatever you want, but reckless buying is BAD for this hobby, not good. Sure, you get what you want in this on demand society, but by doing so you drive up the prices where good people who can't afford to pay whatever it cost lose out on entry level guns, as those too go up in price. It's that impatience that is the band of collecting - slow down, wait, you will find a good gun at a reasonable price. No need to pay 3x what shite is worth.

This! Don’t get me wrong, someone with a bottomless bank account CAN pay whatever they want for a K98, but Farb is correct that winning auctions that are what we consider way above legitimate market value HARM the hobby by driving up prices across the board. This is especially bad for the new collector who doesn’t have a lot of cash and is looking to get an “entry level” rifle.

It is kind of like real estate where the sales of homes in your neighborhood influence what you might list your home for. The price per square foot goes up and it’s better for a seller and worse for prospective buyers. Of course not a perfect analogy but close. If you’re trying to BUY a house then comparable sales matter!!

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..I collect Carcanos, so that should tell you something about my infatuation with making money.

:laugh: Or not! I have a modest collection of these myself. Expensive and Carcano don't get used in the same sentence... unless you're that guy that was selling the Lee Harvey guns over and over.
Yeah it looked like a nice handy rifle! It might have been missing a part, can’t remember, I took a couple pictures let me see if I can find them.
Yeah it looked like a nice handy rifle!

They really are! Nicely balanced, compact size is great in tight confines and the round is pretty easy on the shoulder and ears vs. the cannons fielded by others.

Congrats on the jhv by the way!! Looks pretty nice. :thumbsup:
i'd buy the same code in same condition on herman historica two jears ago 100% matching without other stamps ..450 Euro, this price is not normal.
:laugh: Or not! I have a modest collection of these myself. Expensive and Carcano don't get used in the same sentence... unless you're that guy that was selling the Lee Harvey guns over and over.

I think if you factor in cost of living / CPI, Carcanos are worth about the same or less today than they were in the 1960s. I still like them ;)
I think if you factor in cost of living / CPI, Carcanos are worth about the same or less today than they were in the 1960s. I still like them ;)

I like them too! I'm pretty sure you're right about price. IIRC, I never paid over $100 for any of mine. If you were able to grab a bunch of the 160 gr. jacketed round nose blems from Graf's years ago they make pretty accurate and highly affordable shooters. As I said earlier the 91TS are far and away my favorite.
I like them too! I'm pretty sure you're right about price. IIRC, I never paid over $100 for any of mine. If you were able to grab a bunch of the 160 gr. jacketed round nose blems from Graf's years ago they make pretty accurate and highly affordable shooters. As I said earlier the 91TS are far and away my favorite.

I agree, my 91 Calvary is awesome too. Shoots about 2 ft high @100 if you dont remember to bury the front sight, but I hear thats common with these. Prob has to do with the 300m lowest setting on the rear sight. I took it to shoot a raccoon the other night and of course I barely hit him from 20 ft away with those sights. The flip up bayonet took care of the rest!!
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They really are! Nicely balanced, compact size is great in tight confines and the round is pretty easy on the shoulder and ears vs. the cannons fielded by others.

Congrats on the jhv by the way!! Looks pretty nice. :thumbsup:

Hey thanks! I have wanted one for a long time but never grabbed one, always wanted one in walnut and the bit of figure in the stock was a big plus for me. Looks like it will be a nice example but not too nice to take out and put a few rounds through a couple times a year. I have recently become more interested in Hungarian arms so it felt like the right time :thumbsup:

Here are some pictures from the shop I saw the TS at, not knowing much about these I don’t know if this is a good one or a bad one, I kinda liked the super original look of it even if a tad rough, but still it’s 1917. If you are interested in the contact info let me know, it maybe still there.


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