Sure, I didn't have the full number when I first replied so I had to go write it down and make an edit - I have read about the '3 hole' rifles, that is a valid question, I have to confess I had some apprehension when I was removing the base just because of how it was cock-eyed, and I have met Bubba in the past.
I do have mixed emotions about cleaning this rifle, as mentioned there is grease/cosmoline in a lot of the nooks and crannies as well as heavy grime from War use that was never really cleaned when originally stowed. I have not taken the stock off, I did test the front band and it very very tight, one would need to drive it off, so I think I will leave it as it is for now. I am just happy to see that after a little dressing of the pin the mount has properly seated, now to get some fresh screws installed and I will give it a couple of rounds down range.