Good God why, just why???


Senior Member
What was this butcher thinking to create such a monstrosity???


  • pix822453940.jpg
    44 KB · Views: 235
I like the way they almost made the recoil cross bolt invisible. That’s some skill right there.
That may be the worst, but I have seen several others with the rear sight milled off, once that happens its beyond saving other than spare parts.
there was one floating around the Florida funshow circuit a few years back, someone carved up the original stock to look like draganov complete with the thumb hole stock

wasn't this rifle posted here last week?
That may be the worst, but I have seen several others with the rear sight milled off, once that happens its beyond saving other than spare parts.

The rear sight can be restored if the area is flat. What this guy did by rounding it out makes it almost impossible to restore. I have had 2 receivers restored with the rear sight milled off and you cant even tell.
It needs rails... How is a poser supposed to hang his laser, flashlight and strobe?
Gun Digest even had a book on how to sporterize multiple common military rifles...I've seen it at shows and I have been tempted to purchase it just as a curiosity.
God that’s awful. Someone blind could have milled that rear sight off better.

Straight up parts gun, well what’s left of it... but it’s getting awful pricey with 11 days to go.

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It needs rails... How is a poser supposed to hang his laser, flashlight and strobe?

Rails, a thumbhole stock, lots of vent slots in the forend and handguard, and an overall coat of black spray paint.

True story, Mech -- one time I went over to my father-in-law's to help him get ready for a show that weekend. When I arrived, he had about a half-dozen junk shotguns hanging in the garage, and was busy hosing them down with cans of 99-cent black spray paint.

"What the heck are you DOING?" I asked.

"Getting these ready for the "tactical" guys" he said. "Guns like this wouldn't bring anything in their present condition, but after they're black they'll FLY off the tables!"

I thought he lost his marbles but, of all the high quality stuff we displayed that weekend, those black guns went first. And for more money than I would've ever thought possible! Buyers didn't even try to haggle, they just opened their wallets!
