Gewehr 98 night sight

That's a great set of milled Sudicatis sights. The carry case is quite rare!

Thanks for sharing.
I had a three digit serial sudicatz set. Thing is they are not milled.... brittle pot like metal or brass. I know as when I lost mine in a fire - the rear assembly , it melted. First time I've seen packaging for one if it's a legit tin for one.
Tiny amount of radium...likely nothing at all. I was told if you X ray them a handful of times it may reinvigorate them for a spell.
In my experience with radium painted watch hands, the phosphor is still somewhat alive. A bright flashlight will cause them to glow for a little bit. I think the radiation damages the phosphorescent material over the decades and causes the glow produced by the radium to be imperceptible.
In my experience with radium painted watch hands, the phosphor is still somewhat alive. A bright flashlight will cause them to glow for a little bit. I think the radiation damages the phosphorescent material over the decades and causes the glow produced by the radium to be imperceptible.
The phosphor on these is basically dead by this point, though there are allegedly ways to briefly generate glow for a second or so.

I'm far from an expert on radioactivity, but the big misconception with radium paint is that the radioactivity is gone when it stops glowing.... Radium 226 has a half-life of 1,600 years. It will continue to generate alpha, beta and gamma radiation (and Radon gas) for long after we are gone. Fortunately, the danger is very minimal (the worst danger of radium paint is accidental inhaling/ingestion as the paint breaks down into small particles as it is burned up by the radium) In this case, the paint is encapsulated in the sights, so this isn't really an issue.... I've seen these generate 5-10 mR/h at close distance, but a couple feet away, there really is no danger.