Gew98M in


Senior Member
Gew98M in forum. Please move.

Given the model of Feldbluse and leggings, this looks to be around 1934 or so.

Also, no bolts in the rifles.


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Rich, what forum would you like it moved too? Seems like the appropriate forum to me, though the 98k forum would also work. Personally the end of the German Republic, or Weimar Republic if you like, really extends beyond Hitler's Chancellorship and the enabling act (both of which were in 1933, not 1932), - I would generally extend it until the death of Hindenburg (August 1934). That was when the last hurdle for Hitler was crossed, the subjugation of the Army... Hitler never crossed the old man because he knew two things, the Army was loyal to the President and Hindenburg was not long to live.

Anyway, nice pictures, those young men look damn young, some a little too young!
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They do look awfully young!

Paul, I was not sure if this was a bit too late for this forum or not. It can stay here or go the the K98 forum. I think where ever it would be most appreciated which is probably here.
Rich, I will see if I can copy the thread, so it exists on both, - we will see, but I would prefer to keep it here too as I like the picture!

Couldn't copy it, so I moved it because the 98k forum does get more views.
There was / is ? a thread with this same title in the Weimar section I think... A mod should be able to move it.
A Hakenkreuz above the right breast pockets on the uniforms, so it would be after the death of Von Hindenberg. Kids look all proud and gung ho, little did they know what their fate would behold.
I thought there was a way to copy it to another forum also, I seem to remember that being an option before, but I did not see that option available when Rich asked it moved to a larger audience. I have the moderator options available to me, but either I overlooked that option or it doesn't exist, - or my inexperience with high tech in general contributed to my failure to figure it out... on this forum moderators have little to do, as we do not goosestep around censoring and hassling participants/members, so I am a little rusty with my "super powers".

Either way, as someone pointed out, this picture is post-1934 and well beyond the German Republican period, so it is more appropriate here. Especially since the upgraded Gewehr98's are not shown well enough to sustain a lengthy discussion.

There was / is ? a thread with this same title in the Weimar section I think... A mod should be able to move it.
Background hills and vegetation looks amazingly like Wildflicken training area. Probably no way to verify but it brought memories from my old days.
These old pictures always make me wonder: was it possible to be a front line soldier and make it from 39 through 45? Anybody have any accounts or memoirs of soldiers who have? I'd imagine that the number of soldiers who survived from beginning to end must be extremely small. (Excluding higher ups like generals, etc.)