German Optics


Senior Member
A friend has a set of these optics his father acquired long ago. Any idea on how these were used?

Thanks, Jeff


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Well, they are interesting, I'll say that. Zeiss made, I hope someone knows what they are. I do not.

very odd ? and I've never seen anything like it.. So when looking in them they look straight up ? can you post more photos of the other side.
Might be part of something larger ?
very odd ? and I've never seen anything like it.. So when looking in them they look straight up ? can you post more photos of the other side.
Might be part of something larger ?
Maybe they binoculars look forward while the observer looks up? Armored vehicle? Turret?
Yeah, I'd like to see some other angles, and I cannot make out the markings...I think it is maker marked clc, and then it looks like ?x50...if it is x50, then those objectives certainly aren't 50's, so it may hook onto another section....

Can you get a better pic of the markings? Also any other marking that may be on it? What does the knob do when turned to the other triangle marks, are they filters?
Could be an air defense binocular assembly. The observer looks down into it.

Could be an air defense binocular assembly. The observer looks down into it.


That is what I am thinking...the knob brings filters in line for bright sunlight, or if looking nearly into the sun, and they hook into a housing with the rest of the optic...
its definitely blc AKA Zeiss and they supplied a lot of optics to the Swedish Gov. during WW2. They came up with some lower priced less complex looking Optics late in the war. Trench type/Amour sites that had a sheet metal construction VS a cast body Like the rest.

Photo above could be the complete unit.
The unit seems complete other then the mount system. View definitely is refracted 90 degrees. I find interesting the paint finish, appears factory and tan color, I would think it was exposed to some degree, hence the tan paint. Optics are very clear and if I remember 10 power.

I will try to get more photos, I do not have in my possession so may take a bit of time.

Thanks for the assistance.