German kkw

NICE RIFLE.. Worth twice that Id say.. yes its early enough to have an unnumbered bolt.. bolt numbering started later. also looks to have a KKW marked muzzle cover !!! not common to have that included.
Looks to be a very nice example and a very good buy considering the marked stock and bonus bits. Easily twice that price elsewhere. Ah, yet another rabbit hole to go down.
The same guy the next day with 2 22 conversation. One was a single.shot.erma and the second was a later repeater erma24 that one of the lugs that goes in reciever lugs is broken off. I didnt have a single shot so im keeping that one for sure. Neither of them were in the boxes and the repeater was just the complete barreled action but he was fair price so i bought them both. So now everything resides with my only other German 22.20230917_102456.jpg
I got ahold of Don in Iowa about a cleaning rod he says there are two different length. A 12 9/16 and a 13 3/4 rod .wich one would be correct for my kkw.
If you dont get a response, you might try a length of 3/16 rod with those measurements marked on the rod and insert it in the hole. The rod should go down and be stopped by the retainer. See which length you deem more appropriate(allow about a 1/4” to screw into the retainer) To get you around the middle of the front sight. I haven’t tried this but I think it will work.
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I got ahold of Don in Iowa about a cleaning rod he says there are two different length. A 12 9/16 and a 13 3/4 rod .wich one would be correct for my kkw.

As Far as I know,going by my own rifles, BSW, Gustloff and Walther all used the shorter of the rods. I do not have an early Mauser KKW, but the late ones with the D.F. after the serial number used the long rod.

There is a guy on ebay and Gunbroker selling repro rods for the KKW

My understanding was that they were 320 mm long. (12.598")

I'll have correct, made from original drawings, rods available as soon as I have time to slot them.

From the examples I was able to get measurements from, originals vary quite a bit, even from the same manufacturer. They were not a "precision" item. Lengths, diameters, small features, all varied.

Interesting to know about the D.F. marked guns, I did not know that. I have one, but did not notice that it was any different. What is different requiring the longer rod?
Don Schlickman in iowa makes them and asked what length i needed. Don also males Japanese parts.and cleaning rods . Hes at sos every year and ive know him for yeats
Interesting to know about the D.F. marked guns, I did not know that. I have one, but did not notice that it was any different. What is different requiring the longer rod?

The nut for the rod is located farther back in the stock (in my rifle anyway).