German Bayonets Volume I reprint update

2 to 3 volunteers for reprint review

Guys I am looking for a few veteran collectors and Imperial blade specialists to review the reprint.
Will have the 1st draft ready by this weekend and I can send out a low res PDF to interested parties.

I know that Lance was a primary reviewer along with Roy Williams (who has sadly passed).

Appreciate your help!
I think I commented that I was interested in the last post you made on this, but Just in case I'll say so again. What does V1 all cover, and what about V2, etc.

If I may, think BK might have missed your post. The differences between the first edition and second are mentioned by BK in post #10 on this thread. The first edition was hard-bound with a dust jacket. It has 126 pages in a 10" x 7.5" format and covers the German S84/98 bayonet from it's inception up to 1933. The book is also profusely illustrated with many fine photographs and accompanying information. It was/is hoped a second, companion volume would follow some day and focus on the S84/98 from 1934-1945. Such a in-depth work would easily equal or exceed the first volume in both size and scope.
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If I may, think BK may have missed your post. The differences between the first edition and second are mentioned by BK in post #10 on this thread. In addition, the first volume was hard-bound with a dust jacket. It has 126 pages in a 10" x 7.5" format and covers the German S84/98 bayonet from it's inception up to 1933. The book is also profusely illustrated with many fine photographs and accompanying information. It was/is hoped a second, companion volume would follow some day and focus on the S84/98 from 1934-1945. Such a in-depth work would easily equal or exceed the first volume in both size and scope.

Thanks for the info! I'll join the signup list!