G43 AC44 R-Stock For Review


Hi all,

Totally G43 novice here. I've been offered this rifle for sale and I could use some help regarding it's overall condition. From what I can base off the limited images the stock is original but sanded and used post-war by the French due to the R marking. The finish on this looks almost too good to be true, so I am wondering if perhaps it has been re-blued? Furthermore the scope looks original but the mount may be a repro since I really can't distinguish from genuine ones due to my limited knowledge on these. Seller claims it is all numbers matching. What would be a fair price for this rig? I'm waiting on better pictures but the seller is currently away so this is all I have to work with at the moment. Will update this thread as needed.

Kind Regards,





(having trouble uploading this final image so it is an external link) https://imgur.com/XNEpb3y
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The stock is a recent made non-laminate reproduction, stock recoil lug could be a modified carriage bolt, so I'd be wary. The 'R' marking doesn't even resemble the French post war marking, not sure why that was faked. Front sight hood looks off, front sight base is late war Walther.
Just viewed last pic, stock recoil lug looks ok. Receiver is an occupied French build, looks refinished.
Mount and sling are reproduction. Post the additional photos when you get them for an assessment on the rifle itself.
+1. Looks like the stock is a reproduction also. Not worth buying as a collectible. But not bad if you want a shooter and the price reflects that.
My G/K.43 listings has this rifle reported on 12-30-2012 on the website www.ww2weaponsforum . It had a different stock on it then that may have been in original condition at that time. Reportedly, the stock then had “good mill marks on it” and a good stock wrist stamp, but bad photos. At the time, the rifle also may not have had a cleaning rod, but I don’t know why. Also, Claus Espeholt’s G/K.43 rifle listings has this rifle listed as “mismatched” without further explanation.
Thanks for all the help y'all I've already learned a great deal. If only "Hitler's Garands" didn't cost $300+ I could have spotted some glaring issues. Definitely too many issues to consider this G43 at the seller's asking price (over 3k).

Warm Regards,
