G33/40 stocks at Apex


RKI- Reasonably Knowledgable Individual
Not sure if anyone is looking, whether this is a decent price or anything. Got an email from Apex and these were listed.
Interesting they pulled more out after so long. They had a bunch back in 2020. Figured they would of sold all of them. Rumor had it there would be bolts too but never saw them. Mine had some graffiti on it which was neat.
Interesting they pulled more out after so long. They had a bunch back in 2020. Figured they would of sold all of them. Rumor had it there would be bolts too but never saw them. Mine had some graffiti on it which was neat.
I guess you bought one back in 2020? Were you satisfied with it? I see they mention they may have graffiti on them. I know when some K98k stocks were around there were a lot of mixed results with what people received.
Mine wasn't the best. They were clearly well used by some Eastern European country. But G33/40 stocks aren't exactly easy to come by. I plan on making a Partisan style rifle with mine since it's already fairly rough and has a mismatched bolt.
Now there was a guy on Gunboards that got a great hardwood in 2020 for his.