Senior Member
I along with many people have gotten G/K43 stocks from Fox in Poland. His wait time is almost a year. I don't have the patience anymore to wait that long to get a project done so I went out looking for another source. I found Murrays Gun Stocks in Oregon. I made an order tonight for a laminate (he also does them in walnut). It should take about 6 weeks to get done since he has to order in the laminate blanks and sources are scarce right now. I paid $575 for stock only including shipping because I am going to use my bakelite handguard. Handguards are an extra $60 or so. This is a mom & pop store and I am glad to help support such a place. I spent over 45 minutes talking to him about this and that (it only took 10 minutes to get my order in). He seems like a great guy and says he will stand behind all of his work. I will update everyone when I get my stock from him. His production time will be cut down once he gets in more laminate stock in. If this turns out great, he will have my future business for some other projects I have going on.