Third Party Press

G 43


Hello all, new member as I just became the owner of what I believe is a G43. The person who gave it to me knew nothing of its history but I have compared it to pictures online and that is what it appears to be. A friend thought a G41 however it has a detachable magazine. I have a few questions I would appreciate help with. First, do these guns have appreciable value? I ask that question because it affects the other questions I have.

The rifle came without a magazine and I believe getting an original is next to impossible so I thought I would buy a reproduction. Secondly, I have in the past cleaned up old rifles, strip, light sand and polish, and wondered if that was a mistake with this rifle. There appears to be no varnish left on the wood and the metal is rusted in some places.

I noticed it appears to have two tiny Wermacht eagle crests stamped on the wooden stock of the gun. Have not read about that.

Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks.
Welcome to the asylum. There is a whole discussion forum dedicated to the G-41/G-43 rifles further below. Scroll down about eight more.
Welcome. 👍
Congratulations on getting a very historic rifle. Please do not do anything to it, as it could affect the value, if you decide to sell it again. (in many years 😉)
See if you can post some pictures of the entire rifle and of ALL the markings/stamps, then you will get a good respons and learn a lot about it.
I assume, you are from the US, and I don`t know, how the prices are there, but in my country they cost approximately USD 3200 in complete and original condition.
If you touch it with sand paper you’re potentially destroying half the value.

Even in beat shape those are $1500 rifles. In nice shape they’re $5000 guns. Your friend gave you a hell of a gift.
You have an original untouched G43 rifle, and you should be able to source an original magazine and cleaning rod.
Use some oil and brass whool or very fine steel whool to carefully clear the surface rust, but don’t touch the wood!
Please do nothing but preserve. Put nothing on wood. A small misstep can drastically hurt value. If you have no interest, list it here for sale
thanks, since I was given this because I have touched up a few guns in the past it appears it is in the wrong hands. It should go to a collector. I did not know whether I could sell it on this site?
You can 100% sell it on this site. Lots of CR licenses or ffl's who will do transfers. Consider getting some better detail pics of the entire receiver area. Again, as for now, don't clean or disassemble
Could you advise the letter block of the rifle? Looks like a really nice one. The two side waffenampts are the final proof stamps for this rifle. Early Walther G.43’s had two, and then later Walther went to one side stamp. I think I have a G.43 that is pretty close in serial number to yours. I own G.43 ac44 #3787d, 106 rifles away (if yours is a d block). Kinda neat!
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I will see if my kids can make out the numbers. Too small for me.

Yes I will definitely sell this to someone who appreciates it. Is there a thread here for sales?

Will also get better pictures.
I think light cleaning is OK but never sand. Museum standards are to conserve the item in its present state in; leaving it for a future conservationists with superior technology to conserve further. Use brass cleaning tools (brass brushes, bore brush and cleaning rod) and any brass marks are easily removed cotton patches wetted with gun solvent. Rust may be removed with a five cent piece (nickel is softer than steel yet harder than brass/copper) and organic coconut oil (I used to use Frog's Lube but have since learned that its core component is coconut oil and some color additive and if liquid, an anti-coagulant).

To clean the wood stock, I used cotton dampened with distilled water. You don't want the stock wet but just enough to remove surface dirt.

After cleaning everything, metal, wood and leather (if any) should be treated with Renaissance Wax (Woodcraft store or globalist Gyp Bozo's Amazon) which is applied with a soft cotton cloth. Microcrystaline in nature, it was developed by the conservators of the British Museum and is used by conservators worldwide. Apply and rub lightly.
Don't do anything to the stock, for metal get sone Kroil Oil or Birchwood Casey "Barricade" which is available at sporting goods stores even Walmart, Just wipe down the metal using a soft cloth with liberal application of either oil and let it sit for a day, then repeat.


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