Third Party Press

Found an Sporterized Mauser--Need help with identification

***admin--if this post is appropriate please move to the proper area. Thanks.***

This is the sporterized Mauser that was also in the closet. I cannot get the screw by the trigger guard out so i can't remove the stock to look for marking beneath.

The big picture didn't turn out very good. The stock is duffle cut.









This section if for help with the forum, if you repost below you might have more luck.

I don't think the gun was sportered, it looks like it was made like this. It is (another) very nice gun.
Moved this to the Mauser 33-45 section just because I didn't know where to put it either.

It's definitely a European sporter, possibly interwar period, and very well done. The best thing to do for the stuck screw is flip it upside down and drip oil on the screw head- it should soak down. Use Kroil on it instead of just oil and it may break it loose. Make sure you use a Gunsmith square ground tip screwdriver. If that fails, find a GOOD gunsmith to take it to.
My first post here. I'm from Germany. So please appologize if I cannot alway express myself as I wanted.

The gun was not sporterized. It was made as a hunting rifle from the very beginning.

Try to find an engraving which may lead to the gunmaker.

Be careful when using ammo of the newer S-type. This gun will probably made in the older 8x57 I caliber with a slightly smaller diameter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The scopemount is the so called "Suhler Einhakmontage". A hook/claw mount which was invented in Suhl, the town of gunsmiths in Thüringen/Thuringia.

This kind of scope mount is still made today but very expensive. Even fitting the claws to the base is very expensive.

A complete Suhler Einhakmontage today will cost more than 1000 €.
It looks to be a commercial sporting rifle, I don't see any maker markings. It may be Mauser Obernorf manufactured. Mauser provided outside gun makers all over the world (but mainly England, U.S. and Germany) with actions and barrelled actions for them to finish and "call their own". Your rifle does'nt seem to have the proofs on the left side receiver so it gets harder to nail down.

Military Rifle Journal