Found a nice Dou45


Senior Member
I was interested in trying to get all different variations of 1945 dated rifle fl s. I had been looking for an SVW 45 but I found this. Looks really nice (IMHO) and I like the small phosphate parts. Not sure if the sling is repro or not.
The same “Mod 98” above the manufacturer code, in nearly the same font, that you see on BNZ’s in the very late stages.

Steyr, being as crude as they were, why did their receiver ring markings suddenly get so neat and crisp on what you could consider “last ditch” variations of the 98k?

Always wondered this, did they standardize receiver markings late in the war to “Mod 98” above the manufacturer code across all the remaining manufacturers, and in similar font?
Very nice find. I like how late dou rifles have such rectangular bolt cutouts. Looks like they changed styles after 1944.
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sling is fake. Stock appears to have been sanded but not sure. Love the white glue.

Corners on the bolt cut out look too sharp IMO, that’s always the first place I look. I personally don’t think it was sanded but I am only an amateur in this hobby :thumbsup:
Are these spanner screws original to the rifle? I notice in the books they list the spanners of this style belonging to dot44/swp rifles, while the early dou45's had the slots cut in line with the holes. Was there some crossover?
They do not get any better than that. Beautiful example. Stock looks all original and the dark finish is typical on these. Patina on the buttplate and discs speak volumes. Just the way you want to find em. Love the milled floorplate - I’ve got a no-letter, a and c block all will milled FP’s.
Are these spanner screws original to the rifle? I notice in the books they list the spanners of this style belonging to dot44/swp rifles, while the early dou45's had the slots cut in line with the holes. Was there some crossover?

A quick search here.. I just did one because I was curious. RyanE posted dou45 #4993 this example had one of each. Slotted and slotted spanner. So with some things there may be NO set in stone "correct" or non correct. In this matter if you compare Ryan's example This example may have very light coat of something on the stock. But , I would say its not sanded. IMHO
There may be a range of rifles with this type of screws as originally installed, my dou45 7503 has this type and its out of the woodwork. The typical dou screws do have the cut through the spanner, but later ones have no spanner screws at all. I think dou probably converted all of their leftover vz screws to the typical style, got some from Brünn I in this style, and finally made new ones with no spanners. I thought about buying this one but really need a "b" block to complete the letter blocks. Pics of my screws on 7503: -


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My dou45 NLB has one of each type.

Edit: Oops. I see this was already pointed out. What I get for not reading every post....
I love how the bolt sleeve is marked with the subcontractor code "e" for Hermann Kohler.
Something you don't see every day on a dou. :hail::hail::hail: